Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You’ll fall in and do what you’re told

Quick, United scored. Get over to the other thread rapid.

You’ll do nothing

So all the old and sick people can go off and do stuff while the young & healthy have to stay at home?

Its all about protecting lives mate.

I couldnt less now if I don’t go on another plane. Got over to Portugal last October. No test needed, temperature check just checking into the hotel.

Probably won’t be possible without the latest vaccine going forward.

Southern countries in Europe want tourists. People want to travel. Everyone wants that to happen safely. Currently a test requirement to travel is widespread and accepted as reasonable. Some countries are saying that if you prove you are vaccinated they will waive that requirement.

What is abhorrent about that?

I find it entirely reasonable. It’s a step closer to normal.


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Of course it is. Immunity means you have the tools in your immune system (antibodies, T cells) to fight off the virus and stop infection spreading. It doesn’t stop you encountering the virus, it stops the development of disease. Whether those tools work with future variants of this virus or other bat viruses is another question, but they will certainly help.

You’re deluding yourself if you think travel will open up this summer.


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This aint going below 500 on a consistent level. If the govt are going to insist on the cases going to 100 or down to double digits then there will be no ‘opening-up’. Hard to see them moving the goalposts and admitting defeat one would think?

Gonna be some craic when the pubs and hotels open up there

Numbers are down 20% in the last week. We should be well under 500 next Sunday

Arlene taking an All Island approach finally. Now is our chance to push for zero Covid

I think most of Europe will be open for travel from European and other safe countries.

I’d be happy to bet on it, naming rights or retiring from the forum or some such. Of course you couldn’t be trusted to stick by such a bet anyway so there’s no point really.

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How are our “key indicators” these days?

14 day incidence rate, 7 day incidence rate, 5 day incidence rate, 3 day incidence rate and the all important ‘R’ number?

The 50 day incident rate is the problem now.

My reputation is impregnable. Think I’m due to retire here in a few years time but you can have my naming rights if you are proving correct.

You think there will be unrestricted travel to the EU this summer?

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It’s a pretty fluid situation, NPHET havent decided yet

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Come on pal, you forgot the main and most vital indicator - the view of the car park from Dr Tony’s office.

And the amount of ATM transactions too.