Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I think the amount of Cappuccinos being sold will be an issue of concern soon.

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I can imagine the tweets from Harris: ā€œthe scenes on the M1 with tailbacks of people leaving the country are a kick in the teeth to frontline workers. 78 vaccines completed todayā€


Iā€™m keeping a close eye on sales of Danish pastries
Will pop up a spreadsheet later


An upgrade in language I see. Slaps in the face to frontline workers wonā€™t be cutting it any more.

My grandfather was a hospital porter and used always say ā€˜a slap in the face is two inches away from a kick in the teethā€™

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A ā€œkick in the holeā€ could be next

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Department of social welfare has it too.

And probably the bank.

And some lad in Asberkistan.

I find it hilarious how ill informed lads are about who has their PPS, yet are the same fellas who kick and scream about it :man_shrugging:

Denis Oā€™Brien sold mine to George Soros.

I am too sexy for my shirt
Too sexy for my shirt
So sexy, it hurts

Civil service are lucky to have you pal ā€¦

Nice edit

Iā€™ve seen things you people wouldnā€™t believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the TannhƤuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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If youā€™ve ever bought or sold property then your solicitor, the other sideā€™s solicitors and the person you bought/sold from all have it because it goes on the contract.

Every employer youā€™ve ever worked for has it.

Youā€™re ruining a fellas very existence here. Heā€™ll be pissing in bottles and wearing tissue boxes for shoes by the end of the week.

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PM me for @Elvis_Brandenberg_Krā€™s PPS no



Tergiversationā€¦cc @TheUlteriorMotive

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If Harris started saying that x, y or z was ā€œa kick in the hole to front line workersā€ Iā€™d say even @dodgy_keeper would warm to him.


Fuck it. Iā€™ll have to up my game so. @Lazarus Iā€™ll fucking leave Galway riddled next week so I will

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Iā€™d love to hear donnelly saying that :grin: ā€˜this is a massive boot up in the hole to our frontline workersā€™