Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Yup. The most predictable thing he could have said really

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Out of context Iā€™ll bet.

The Liberal?

No. The TƔnaiste

The Liberal?

A savage kick up the hole to front line workers

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I see the CDC have said vaccinated people can meet up with other vaccinated people indoors or outside without distancing or other restrictions, and can do the same with unvaccinated people who are low risk from Covid.

Itā€™s been said on here before, but it will take proper countries doing this stuff before our lads are shamed into action.

No fear either of this being put to NPHET at their next briefing. The media at those seem to accept the refusal to consider the notion of normalcy in the short or medium term like parrots.



RTE are summoning McConkey out to Montrose to issue an address on the 9 o clock news, demanding we go back under the bed.

Anxiety and boredom percentage levels mentioned on news.

You could not make it up.


Part of NPHETā€™s market research

Why do apply a completely different standard of risk analysis to vaccines as opposed to Covid itself? Itā€™s bizarre.

Youā€™re surely a hide under the bed merchant deep down considering your levels of worry.


@glenshane I thought the bould Luke wanted us to wear four layers of masks?

Luke was getting grief from the oiutf crew here recently. Luke is an alright sort.


Iā€™ve no fear whatsoever about getting covid mate - 12 month in now. I donā€™t fear it at all as a reasonably healthy 35 year old. Iā€™d be surprised if it affected my health in any way bar maybe a sore throat or something if I where to get it.

Iā€™m reluctant to take the vaccines as Iā€™ve no fear about getting Covid the same way that Iā€™ve no fear of the flu and never got that jab in the past.

I wouldnt criticise anyone for taking the vaccines. Each to their own. It should be a personal decision that is accepted and not derided.


Very logical position to take

Luke is a great man

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Killeen, McConkey and Tomas Ryan are aghast reading that from Luke.


No fan of Mullenā€™s but heā€™s 100% correct here