Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

This Tuesday is UP marginally on last Tuesday

This is never going to end.

The vaccine is a mirage in a fog of germs and infection.

They had the roaring 20’s in the last century, this will be a decade of misery for this generation

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The problem some people made was trusting science.

Was there a roaring 20’s in Ireland though in the 1920’s? Hardly when there was civil war. Was that roaring 20’s not more so in America?

In Ireland we had the ‘May you die Roaring 20s’


We might get a number below a thousand this evening. I can taste the pints

Should we start wearing astronaut helmets? Would they not be more effective than masks?

Cowboy hats would be more effective than masks

Good way to get rid of all those Garth Brooks cowboy hats that couldn’t be sold when the concerts were cancelled. :slight_smile:

It was electric in Ardnacrusha

And Berlin.

879 cases

101 deaths. 83 in January and 18 in February

RTE will make hay with this

Well now mate, they are unlikely to ignore it.
It’s 101 people whose deaths haven’t been reported till now

There’ll be another party in Montrose tonight


I find it deeply unsettling how they put deaths down as “covid deaths” if they simply test positive for covid 19.

I think it’s very disrespectful to the deceased and their families.


Sure fucking the half of everyone in hospital has covid. Every 2nd hospital death is a covid death.

It’s almost like they were holding the deaths back as the cases number was well below the magical 1000 number. Worry index has to be maintained.

I see half of all deaths from Covid were in nursing homes.


It’s incredibly disrespectful.