Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Hardly a slogan. I imagine it would be unethical for a professional medic to propose anything that endangers life. May not apply in all cases but for Covid there is no way a medic could push the OIUTF mantra. A lot of ire seems to be misdirected towards medical professionals just doing their job.

The government should be the target of your anger. Having said that, the governments who initially apllied your preferred strategy have all rowed back in some shape or form. Sweden and the UK being prime examples of bringing in increased restrictions and are still doing so.

The lack of optimism from some quarters about the vaccine is a strange one but fortunately seems to be restricted to RTE/NPHET, they will fold to what’s being done aroud the rest of Europe so I wouldn’t be getting too bothered about it. If the vaccine is successful then despite what you or others think, most governments will have been vindicated for being more cautious at the start. History will look at the fatality numbers not the before/after ISEQ/NASDAQ figures… well maybe @Tim_Riggins’ ancestors will.

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Its all coming up OIUTF. We wont be denied summer pints.

No ifs, no buts.

Third wave innit?

But will we spend September to December locked down remembering the summer pints ?

22 days ago my friend.

All this talk of variants will leave George Lee like a riderless horse running wildly through the suburbs of hysteria.

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Not plateauing enough

Down to 137 in ICU

George tormented by variants

+1. I switched back to OIUTF there last Thursday or Friday. How are you fixed now?

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I switched back on Sunday myself. cc @endakenny


Meanwhile the government want to avoid having to lockdown by having a permanent lockdown. It’s hard to reconcile these things.

at the beginning of the 2022/23 Football League season

christ i thought that was a slimmed down version of a former GAA journalist when i saw that post at first

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With the numbers continuing to plateau downwards despite all anecdotal evidence (completely reliable and verifiable) pointing to people turning a blind eye to restrictions, it’s almost as if “community transmission” is negligible. And case numbers have come down because COVID-19 was actually rampant in settings where people have now been vaccinated, e.g. nursing home residents/staff, healthcare workers and people in residential care units.

How do we steepen the plateau?

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whats this obsesion with intercounty GAA?
nobody can even remember who won the all ireland last year let alone say who were the semi finalists? itll be same again this year, gah is a community sport and the behind closed doors element really i think is nonsese and probably goes against what the association is about
Given that there is 0 revenue from closed doors would they not be better off starting discussions and their plans to get clubs ready for juvenile training whenever it is allowed… that should be the focus now… we had to close our academy last i think october as we had +140 up every saturday ( which was great but from a covod standpoint not sustainable) - we had soccer tho till christmas , albeit smaller nunbers …but i must say we were probably better organised

The stats support your thesis