Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Used successfully… How do you mean? A storage issue or a sticking it in someone’s arm issue?

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Can you try that post again, but this time with some logic applied?

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Sure the only reason they’ve anyone vaccinated at all is because of criticism. They weren’t planning on vaccinating at the weekends initially until people were mean to them on Twitter

Lads wanted a vaccine invented within a few months, then they wanted it stored at minus 70. Then they want it distributed, now they want a booster
Would an invermectin tablet not have been a lot handier? Worked for 1.4 billion Indians

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My understanding is that if someone gets the jab and doesn’t get the second one at the right time then they aren’t vaccinated for the long term, right? Would you prefer they started lashing out injections willy nilly or planned to make sure that the second one is administered at the right time, even if that took a couple of weeks? I’d prefer the second.

Reports that admin staff were vaccinated before frontline in Tralee and Limerick.

One for Paul Reid to explain


With the amount of supplies we have at the moment vaccinating people at weekends is purely for optics, it’s not going to massively speed up the overall process.

When we have big numbers of supplies on hand then it makes more sense to work through weekends and round the clock even. I might be wrong but right now it will hardly make a difference will it?

If there’s gonna be a supply of millions and if the first jab reduces your risk by 60-70% I think there is a case to be made for lashing it in quickly, especially to vulnerable elderly people in nursing homes.


That’s hardly a surprise. They have holidays to take and planes to fly on.

A scandal if true

Why can’t they do it correctly at speed? It’s sticking a needle in someone’s arm and updating a database /file ffs. You public servants are gas.

I’ve heard that happened in St. James’s too. The admin staff in the hospital were the only ones available to pop down for an injection at their leisure. You’d have to wonder at it, sometimes not seems like if it’s at all possible they can get something wrong they will find it and get it wrong.

The government is run by the opinion of the lick arses on twitter. Sad state of affairs

The optics of that are terrible. It happened in the UK as well.

None front line civil servants make me sick. They are the reason for ireland being a shambles


There will be eventually but that’s a good way off and we’re not there yet. It also sounds messy. Take your point but I think getting it right with what we have in hand first is the right approach.

Mugwump logrolling cunts.


Dreadful. I suppose it makes sense to get the entire staff of a hospital vaccinated and know none of the staff can bring it in, but still it looks awful.

The optics are terrible regardless. I don’t get the sense of emergency with getting the vaccine out there, especially when every other facet of the pandemic response is being communicated with dire warnings.

Not starting for a few days after it landed was absolutely shocking.

There should be no excuse for inventory to sit idle 24/7. This is a pandemic we are told. Emergency response to emergency situation. Lash it out around the clock.