Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Look, thereā€™ll be plenty of time to criticise the vaccination programme when big nunbers of vaccines arrive and we are behind most other EU countries in administering it. Thatā€™s my expectation.

But for now, jumping up and down and shouting that you want it done faster isnā€™t really justified or productive.

People are at the end of their patience though and want to see action and progress towards the end.

If the frontline staff werenā€™t too busy drinking Baileys and watching Indiana Jones on the 27th when the hospitals were empty we could have started to vaccinate hem on their day off. Theyā€™d be less likely to now be infected now and/ or too busy now to get the vaccine now that the hospitals are busy.

Oh well, keeping the vaccines in a freezer wasnā€™t material.

Having a dig at frontline staff and making out theyā€™re slacking off? Thatā€™s a pathetic post.


Exactly. And watch in a matter of weeks how vaccine inventory will pile up just like backlog of swabs.

Anything to hand should be lashed in now. Thereā€™s only a negative value to it sitting in the freezer when could be put to use.

I donā€™t believe Iā€™m jumping up and down. I merely asked what you meant by successful ā€¦ I have zero expectations for the government/hse to do it right so Iā€™m not vexed in the slightestā€¦ My expectations are being met.

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I donā€™t think the supply of millions is going to come in that fast or that it makes sense to squander it by having to repeat vaccinations. Perhaps Iā€™m wrong though.

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vaccinating will outpace supply you think?

Weā€™re off to a start contrary to that.

You are. You both want it done faster and had a dig at public servants. That constitutes jumping up and down.

Having a dig at public servants is standard.

No I donā€™t think so.

Youā€™re suggesting weā€™ll have so much on hand we should just lash it out.

First I donā€™t think that will be the case and second I donā€™t think we will have really big amounts on hand for some months yet.

As of now we have a limited amount of doses, I wouldnā€™t want to waste any by not ensuring they are used correctly. My understanding is that this means the second dose has to be administered within the correct time frame or else the effects are not successful or long lasting.

When big numbers of supply are on hand the programme will increase in size and big numbers of people will get vaccinated. It will take a couple of months to hit that though.

Lads I had a more solid vaccination plan with a better chance of success drawn up in 5 minutes on the bog for the lads I argue with on the Internet.

We have 10s of government ministers, top civil servants and advisers getting paid ā‚¬100k per year working on this. 3 weeks after the first pallet and its a shambles.

Ireland never changes

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And highly encouraged. Its more fun when you say it to their face too.

No, Iā€™m suggesting any that are on hand should be used immediately. Iā€™ve no belief weā€™ll have so much to hand but any we do, should be used immediately

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Iā€™m saying that while supplies are limited it is better to plan to ensure it is used successfully rather than immediately.

Why canā€™t you have both says you, but if itā€™s a choice between fast or correct, Iā€™d go with the latter.

Not necessarily, they werenā€™t offered the opportunity afaik.

But they should have been vaccinated from the get go and days off thrown out if needs be.

The hospitals were empty until 2 weeks ago.

It is pathetic that we left vaccines in the freezer for several days. Again, itā€™s not treating this like the emergency it is.


Fact the plans to vaccinate arenā€™t already place for even the moderate amount we have after months and months to plan speaks volumes.

Is the current pace correct so?

Pretty easy for you to demand that peopleā€™s days off be cancelled. After the year theyā€™ve been through. As if it would make a difference. Sunday independenting harder than ever.

It really is pathetic.


I recall a post from you on the 27th December saying the very same thing.

It seems to only be an emergency when HSE/NPHET are giving out the instructions to the public, closing businesses and schools. Every day is vital they say.

The demand for urgency is characterised as Iā€™ll informed and mean spirited when the public asks why vaccine roll out by HSE /NPHET is not given the same emergency status. Sure weā€™ll catch up.