Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Sending the dregs of the spill tray over to Paddy

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Is Donnelly out at the airport waiting with baited breath for every delivery of 500 vials, like a gobshite


Why do you think his head looks more oval at each appearance? Where could he be storing them I wonder?

Luke O’Neill in a TV studio now with two presenters. Not a mask amongst them.

Hearts and minds. Hearts and minds.



Covid is destroying you kid.

You’re a docile type. It probably makes for a happier life. Like a Labrador.

No league play championship in 2018 format and top 2 from the provisional groups play off for the league same weekend as quarter finals

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How many of the 44 died from covid?

Why aren’t they conducting these interviews over zoom? Holohan is a thundering disgrace holding press conference’s every day and going into an office when his job can be done from home


He was grand til it came to his door. A mans gotta know his limits.

Because you don’t want to be a cost to society

Looks like the All Ireland hurling and football finals had a big impact on the numbers.


U21 Football Final no doubt


I was on about the Club championships

“every vaccine counts” but lets leave 40,000 of them sitting in a fridge as giving the second dose anything other than exactly 3 weeks apart seems to be more dangerous than getting COVID itself.


Where is that coming from? Given supplies are limited at the moment it would seem sensible to wait a week or two and make sure they are administered correctly rather than squandering them, it that is at issue, right?

I am assuming that’s their logic. I can’t think of any other reason why they aren’t horsing every single vaccine into people as soon as they get it.

Healthcare workers who are close contacts but have no symptoms have been requested to return to work now such is the shortage of staff

CUH has no capacity. Have set up a covid ward in Mallow and started moving patients there yday to free up capacity for more serious cases

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The slow start is frustrating and my expectation is that we will be slower than other EU countries in the long run, but that remains to be seen.

At moment it makes sense to make sure all the vaccines on hand are used successfully while supply is very limited. I think some of the criticism of the government on the slowness with vaccination has been a bit over the top so far.