Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The guards know that its all a sham and the checkpoints are for show. A great institution

Nothing wrong with that.
Thereā€™s always a midweek bump.
Looks like they are back testing close contacts too given the rise in the number of tests conducted.

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No, the decisions they are making to protect themselves are resulting in a lot of unnecessary deaths. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s deliberate but their priorities are not the people they are tasked to look after. Care homes were ravaged because of their inaction.

Thats what I thought as well re close contacts.


All here :hugs:

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Hope all will be OK.

Mind me asking whether your childā€™s close contact was a creche worker or another child?

We had same scenario as you but got a negative result on Sunday. Close contact was a creche worker but she was only covering a 90 minute period during the middle of the day (apparently)

continued the homework there with the world cup 2018 sticker album
draw the flags and find the countries on the globe



Iā€™ve a gran-aunt who tested positive in there a few weeks ago. She was hospitalised and, at 92, we didnā€™t think sheā€™d make it out of the hospital again.

She was released back to the nursing home Monday.


hoping she be fine buddy

A negative PCR test is now required for all arrivals to Ireland.

In the run up to Christmas, Dr. Tony said that the ā€œrelative riskā€ posed by travel was very high, because our infection rates were very low. (savvy posters will recall me pointing out that this was bullshit at the time.)

Anyway, if Dr. Tonyā€™s reasoning then was right, which it wasnā€™t, then relatively, travel poses no risk to us at all now because we are all riddled with it anyway.

Corkie Iā€™d believe you more than than headbangers with power

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Sorry to hear that, fingers crossed he flys through no issues.

Now that we are the most infected place in the World and you are actually less likely to be bringing it in, than someone who is already here they want visitors to test. You couldnā€™t make it up. Other countries have been doing it for at least 8 months

Be fine Iā€™m sure mate. Take care

Had an interaction earlier with the guards. Told her (a fine looking woman cc @Corksfinedtboy) I was going to Dunnes (I wasnā€™t). Told her I lived in Cabra (I donā€™t). She said ā€œstay safeā€ and waved me on.

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You bastard.

Itā€™s absolutely bizarre. They are determined bro get everything backwards on travel.

Wait until the Brazilian variant hits Ireland

Accountants first surely?