Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Size 18 plus, 5 foot nothing?
If not an import, then again if she was an outsider she’d at least ask pertinent questions, and expect non plamas answers…

FFS ill have to edit this, might be banned :blush::blush:

I called to a mate’s house to lift weights (and cos he was feeling a bit down). Arrest me

Do you even lift?

Lifting his friends lad I’d imagine.

Up against the wall you mean?

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He wasn’t feeling down when he left

Mods, please address he homophobia on display here


Already reported mate. I hope they throw the book at you.

We’re applauding your homosexual act ffs!

Shite. Sorry to hear pal

Drove from Dundalk to Dublin city centre, and then from there to J14 and back to Dundalk today. Only checkpoint my side of road was at Whitehall where I was cheerily waved on

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You were hysterical about the UK variant recently. Bizarre double standards.

3569 cases

63 deaths (5 in November, 1 in December, 56 in January, one under investigation)

@Tank has prior immunity, not that he cares

Jeez, hope the wee man is ok. Nightmare for ye all, haven’t ye a little babba in the house too?

Two colleagues today both lost elderly parents with COVID

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No, you just made that up.

Over 60 dead and vaccines sitting in a fridge for 4 days. Donnelly should be in front of a judge


@Juhniallio’s deaths caused by keeping them in the fridge is looking more conservative.

I guessed 1,000-1,500 for a 6 week Wave 3, sadly it looks like it will be higher.

Thanks. They didn’t say but I’d suspect worker.

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