Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Vaccines just sitting there while people dieā€¦ Criminal.


Yeah a 3 week old. Life is a bit mad at the moment.

Little man is fine so far so hopefully stays that way. We looked at splitting up with me and the toddler and the missus with the baby but Iā€™m not sure how practical it is. Either way myself and herself got tested this afternoon so those results will inform things.

Contact tracer said that the little man is out the gap of quarantine after 10 days but weā€™ve to self-isolate for 17 days :laughing:


Hopefully yere all ok take care

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Deaths are getting big again.

Get Cusack park ready
Cc @mickee321

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Frightening place to end up after battling Covid


John Bull is implementing measures to keep the disease ridden Irish out, pcr test required and rightly so.

Thereā€™s a Brazilian strain now. Given the trademark Brazilian flair and panache then we need to thread very carefully with it or it will run rings around us.

There is. Itā€™s called Bolsonaro.

Take care @ewan

Canā€™t see how we escape without a death toll in the 40s or 50s most days for next couple of weeks.

yeah they do need to offset the drop in cases
in terms of fear factor , 1 death = 50 cases maybe?
thatā€™s reasonable also - all ages inclusive - thereā€™s what 2% change statistically of the thing killing you if you get it regardless of age

Incredible edginess

At least heā€™ll be able to spin down to the shop to drop ye back a few messages.

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Covid cobana


What age were deaths - any breakdown - any underlying conditions.

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Sorry to hear this, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be fine.

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