Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That’s something to look forward to


Its almost as if lockdown hasn’t worked


Has there been any nursing homes that have gotten the vaccine and opened a bit? Any reports of how it’s faired out ?

George Lee likes this. :+1:

Is it working like it says on the tin?

They won’t open until they get the second one and then it’s two weeks after that before they are immune. Even at that I can’t see them opening nursing homes too much

I bloody hope it works anyway.

We’ll be another year at this at least

The lockdown experiment has failed at best and been brutal and counterproductive at worst. The politicians and pet scientists are already looking for an exit strategy


Not locking down after the at risk have been vaccinated is not a vindication of that really. It is encouraging that she would say that though, I mean if we are actually going to continue with restrictions after the hospital and mortality risk is gone then we may as well pack up a society with much hope for the future.

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It wasn’t even a dangerous radical experiment. It was just panic, twitter led politics and incompetence- with a sprinkling of conspiracy.
There’ll be public inquiry after public inquiry and the law firms will be the latest in the queue to make millions.
We might even learn something.

Do any women who get this variant grow a Brazilian arse as a side effect? Asking for a friend?

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George Lee doesn’t need the likes of @Corksfinedtboy to sort out private room for him to get his rocks off. Dr Tony does it every night before the six one


Nasty comment. Something missing in your life you need to be nasty on the internet about?

Turning a crisis into a catastrophe

Interesting logic from the mentallers that lockdowns don’t work because numbers of infections are so high when the reason they’re so high is because it was opened up for a few hours over the Christmas.

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I think the point is we were told lockdowns flatten the curve but they don’t - they make the curve much more dramatic unless you stay locked down indefinitely. There is also a seasonal aspect to this that has been ignored.

At this stage with a vaccine on horizon we should stay locked down and prioritize vaccine over opening up anything until then.

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14 days to flatten the curve
Circuit breaker

Can we replace all of these terms with LoCkDoWn FoReVa as that seems to where the lads are pretending this should have been?


@mikehunt and the King of Sweden disagree.

Unless you’re naive enough to think they have any sort of a plan it’s obvious enough they’re just giving crumbs of hope until someone else solves the problem. If they’d said last March we’re likely in this for 18 months to two years can you imagine the despair. Lockdown is a blunt instrument but it appears to be the most effective. Even competent countries are using it.

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