Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

So LoCkDoWn FoReVa then Mike? That’s grand.

That seems to be their plan. Hopefully your shares in the aviation industry will bounce back and you can stop pretending to care about the welfare of John Joe Soap.

Nah Mike, we all know that you’re just delighted that you are away from your life of being a Peter Gibbons from Office Space.

Nobody ever said it was Lockdown forever.

We were told we couldn’t lockdown too early because people would be fatigued.
We were told we had to prolong the Lockdown to make sure we couldn’t have another one.
We locked down in October, pretending that it was “brave”.

I echo @TheUlteriorMotive on the next couple of months, it is far easier now that we have a vaccine. But Lockdowns were a dead end without them.

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This trying time has you tired and emotional Tim. Your portfolio has suffered incredible trauma. It may be a leap of faith but hopefully you learn from these tough times and be a bit more empathetic towards the poor people you show such obvious disdain for.

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Lockdowns! Lockdowns! Lockdowns!

If only we had the advantages of being a sparsely populated island.

Ya, unfortunately we have 4 times the population density, a land border with a different country and we aren’t 4000km from the nearest country


On the arse end of the world

They haven’t LoCkEdOwN FoReVa though?

@Batigol’s equivalent in NZ must have a right handy number

The Irish @Batigol isn’t exactly run off his feet either in fairness


Do they have cheap Toblerone in NZ?

They have fuck all in New Zealand, why should the coronavirus be special

They have had 25 fatalities from Covid. Their economy is recovering. We share many similarities. You prefer to highlight the differences, much like our government who were unwilling to make the tough call. You were one of the fiercest critics of lockdowns but New Zealand have proved that if done properly it can be relatively successful.

New Zealand used their geographic advantages very well. It made sense for a sparsely populated island at the arse end of the world shielded from the rest of the world by a vast empty continent to have a very low level of the disease.

New Zealand is 4000 kilometers away from an already isolated continent that has 25 million people.

Ireland is less than one eight of that distance away from a densely populated nation of 60 million, itself literally a swim away from a continent of hundreds of millions.

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What are you basing this on? A pcr test?

Mentallers scrambling furiously to discredit New Zealand. :smiley::smiley:

Would you say that was from the lockdown measures or from their border controls? Lots of countries have had strict lockdowns and made a balls of it

Not at all, fair play to them it worked well but their circumstances were unique. We share a completely open border with a different jurisdiction. If you can’t see the difference in that then I can’t help you

We have control of our borders. We patrolled the land border with Northern Ireland for Foot and Mouth. Difficult, yes, impossible, no.