Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The Irish lockdown was only a half arsed attempt, it was never going to be successful. Telling people to stay within 2km of home and waving people through the airports was always destined to fail. I havenā€™t been hung up on Sweden at all, I just bring it up as proof of how wrong the likes of your good self called it. The general consensus among experts was that the Swedish approach was dangerous and so it proved.

Luckily the majority of people that make decisions took on board the expert advice. Had they been like your good self who wanted to let it rip a lot more lives would have been lost. The likes of the US and UK have paid the price for listening to the likes of Gupta and Tegnelll.

Sweden fared no worse than companies that had extreme lockdowns.

If you consider having ten times the fatalities of your neighbours as having fared no worse, then yes they have fared well. Assuming that to be the case ,why have their government brought in legislation that eanbles them to introduce stricter restrictions.

Yet they are midtable in Europe. 18th worst in Europe when it comes to deaths per population.

A fucking zinger of a tweet

If you consider having ten times the fatalities of their neighbours as being successful then, go Sweden!! Their government donā€™t agree with you though.

The squareheads and Ze Germans are their neighbours and they donā€™t have 10x more deaths than them.

Deaths per 100k of population
Denmark 23
Finland 10
Norway 8
Sweden 89

I admire your positive outlook but the Swedish government donā€™t share your sunny disposition.

And what about Poland and Germany?

Scandinavian countries?

Mike said neighbours. Germany and Poland are neighbours.

If you want to address that with Mike then maybe you should ask him.

Yes Germany and Poland are neighbours. What has that got to do with Sweden?

They are neighbours of Sweden.

No- you are totally hung up on it and unable to give a reasoned assessment of it.

So you wanted a harder lockdown then? Are you not consistent critic of AGS? Given that an All Island approach couldnā€™t happen (as shown earlier) and a change to our trading methods was also not possible, you have essentially advocated for LoCkDowN FoReVa with increased powers to the State and our police force whilst we print money indefinitely to pay for it.

Iā€™m enjoying the cut between Tim and Mike here. Nice personal edge to it.


Lolz, unabe to give a reasoned assessment. The Swedish themselves have given a reasoned assessment, why is this so difficult for the mentallers to grasp.

How are these lads figures so low?

Itā€™s all about Japan now Mike

Mike wants more deaths

There is a line along the Baltic Sea that renders comparison of COVID deaths moot. You can compare the countries above it to each other and below it to each other but you must never compare Sweden to Germany, Spain or the U.K.

You CAN compare islands in the North Atlantic and the South Pacific no problem though