Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It would as stupid to compare Sweden to Germany the UK or Spain (Spain!?) as to compare Ireland to Australia.

January lockdown is great.

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Germany is as close to Sweden as Ireland is to England.

Which weā€™ve just spent the last 3 years patiently explaining to the Brits just canā€™t be policed for goods and services let alone a molecular particle carried by people

Even to make the effort now (which I think would fail - weā€™d always be just another couple of weeks of deep lockdown away from perfection and then the minute there are a couple of cases back to lockdown weā€™d go) would have far-reaching consequences. On top of which, it would also require effective isolation from UK and Europe - which is fairly difficult too from an economic and political perspective.

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Ah here :joy: :joy:

Sure fuckit Mike - while weā€™re at it, seeing as itā€™s going to be a ā€œdifficultā€ conversation anyway - why donā€™t we get them to sign up to a United Ireland too. We just need to wish it hard enough ā€¦

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So 62% of deaths over the age of 80.

95% over the age of 60.

So the virus has the following % chance of killing you if you fall in the following age brackets.

0-19 - 0.008% (8 in every 100,000 positive cases)
20-39 - 0.006% (6 in every 100,000 positive cases)
40-59 - 0.3% (3 in every 1,000 positive cases)
60-79 - 4% (4 in every 100 positive cases)
80+ - 17% (17 in very 100 positive cases)

And we also know that 90%+ of those who die have underlying health conditions.

Itā€™s clear that the virus is in no way a threat to people under the age of 60 but it is to the elderly and vulnerable.

But a flu is also a serious threat to the elderly and vulnerable.


Two completely different coronaviruses sure, the coronavirus wouldnā€™t be dipping its toes in the Baltic.

Itā€™s literally Baltic.

Sweden hasve no land border with either Poland or Germany which is why they didnā€™t compare themselves with those countries. I think the geographic advantages that some countries enjoy are being totally ignored for obvious reasons.

Thatā€™s actually very fucking high in the over 60 to 79 (basically most people hereā€™s parents) 1 in 25 who gets it will die :hushed:

So Ireland canā€™t compare itself with anyone?

1 in 20 60-79s could have cancer or heart disease or any other life threatening or debilitating illness.

We know over 90% of people who die have underlying health conditions.

Using your liberal interpretation of ā€˜comparisonā€™ you could compare Ireland to Timbuktu if you like.

Iā€™m just clarifying what youā€™re saying. Only countries with land borders should be compared?

Why is that relevant?

Iā€™m not sure how many times Iā€™ve repeated this but Iā€™ll keep trying. Itā€™s the Swedish, not me, who are comparing themselves with Denmark, Norway, Finland.


Definitely seems much higher than I thought though.

Wow. Both my parents tested positive in the past week (my mother tested positive 3 days after a negative test before a routine medical procedure)

Both in that demographic. Neither are particularly ill thankfully. Picked it up at a funeral they attended standing on side of road with mask on.