Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

So you agree western style lockdowns donā€™t work (Irelandā€™s is fundamentally no different to most other western countries, except for a few quaint measures like the virus will get you if you wander 2.5km from your home but not 1.5km).

This is what we have been telling you for the past 9 moths. Welcome aboard.

Itā€™s better than letting it rip which is what the alternative seems to be for some.

But nobody suggested that.

Because they are neighbours.

They are.

Churchill jobbie during the blitz in London,alls well bla bla whilst all around them was in flames,
Keep telling Joe blogs alls OK, weā€™ve it in hand, keeps the plebs happy (minus the shams here of course, :roll_eyes:)

Who has ever (or is now) suggesting that having no containment measures in place was (or is) the right approach?

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Itā€™s probably more like 1 in 100 given how poor testing was early on. Remember, even amongst nursing home patients (the highest risk of all), 27% in Ireland were asymptomatic.

Itā€™s high alright but the biggest societal issue with that age group is the numbers who end up in hospital.

Made up in his head, along with getting rid of hundreds of years of Irish history and changing how we trade with the world.

We should do it every year.

Its fairly stark that they could pick it up like that in what on the face of it look to be fairly inconspicuous circumstances.


3854 vs 3856 yesterday. Hopefully this is plateauing again. Positivity down to 15% ish from a high of 25%ish. Probably because they are back testing close contacts.


Ill people in hospitals and nursing homes in that age bracket Iā€™d imagine who caught it in outbreaks Iā€™d suspect.

Sweden adopted the approach you championed and are now going towards the lockdown approach. Most countries are going for lockdown as it seems to be the most effective option. You may not like it or agree with it but thatā€™s the reality.

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Itā€™s a highly infectious air borne virus. If you are close to someone who is infected and they are shedding virus, you have a high chance of getting infected. Even outdoors. A mask does not help, unless you are wearing an N95 mask or a medical mask glued to your face.

The only way to avoid sources of infection is to avoid people completely.


Really? That seems hard to fathom (unless some fucker came up breathing on top of them)?

Iā€™ve heard, anecdotally, that you can get a mild enough dose from a small exposure to the virus, or a wicked bad auld dose from a big exposure. Have no idea if thatā€™s actually true or not, I had just assumed you either got it or you didnā€™t, and how much it knocked you for six was all up to you.

Might explain how some apparently young and healthy people get badly affected if they get a strong exposure initially.

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it depends on the viral load

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Youā€™d be fierce unlucky to get a savage bad viral load standing on the side of the road at a funeral with your mask on.

Anyone have this full article for the lolz