Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Christ above… 6 months later you lads wake up to what’s going on.

In short no. Apparently the vaccines can be tweaked in a relatively short time frame - 3 to 4 weeks to account for new strains. From what I have read, someone involved in engineering the vaccine used an analogy stating that its like resending an email and only having to change a few of the words from a previous email. A bit overly simplistic to the layman but I was reassured.


We seemed nearly closer to the end a couple of months ago than we do now.

These new strains are hopefully just the last sting from a dying wasp.

I find it unusual when you hear of them going full lockdown until everyone is vaccinated.

Once the 700,000 people are vaccinated we can go straight to the pub again and have a bit of craic except the likes of @Thomas_Brady who will still be watching Coronation street with wife.

I don’t need alcohol to enjoy life. That’s for dull and lonely people.

So we will need to revaccinate all the vulnerable, elderly and healthcare people again?

No. We just need to reword the email sent to them about the vaccine and they’ll be fine.


May come in the form of a booster

Not a hope of enough supply. I had the joy of sourcing ffp2 masks last April for work. These were essential ppe to produce essential products in lockdown 1. Chinese ones sourced by corporate were shocking failed all required testing by health and safety. We got lucky as a supplier sourced an Italian crowd with 8 weeks supply. 3M refused to serve us as we were too small of a customer (3M are a cunt if a supplier). Last thing I did in that job was get the approvals through for another brand from Spain I believe. Making ffp2 or n95 the recommendations will fuck up supply for where they are actually needed.

Ye are fucked altogether if this big freeze doesn’t materialise


Did Colm Henry admit last night that around half the people in hospital with covid had contracted it in hospital?

There was an economist around the time of the crash, Morgan Kelly I think was his name, this lad is the pandemic’s Morgan Kelly.

The vaccine will sort this out.

The was a headline about surface transmission yesterday based on a throw away comment by CDG.


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That was snuck into an RTÉ article yesterday too.

I must say this made me laugh.

Makes sense when you compare hospitalisations to ICU from the first wave to this wave. Would be nice if we could get the details of who is actually sick with Covid as well.

Sick with covid or sick of covid?

Are GPs absolutely coining it from this?

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I suggested before the roll out that vaccinating people in nursing homes first might not be the smartest use of the initial supply and @glasagusban called me a murderer
The government have quietly pivoted the vaccine rollout to healthcare staff first since.