Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Iā€™m not sure.
itll baseline around 3 to 2.5k till end of January and we are seeing that already.
by end of February 1k cases a day and youd be hoping of level 5 till Easter into low hundredsā€¦
opening up then again to level 3 with schools will baseline that to 1000 per day till end Juneā€¦
you can draw you own conclusionsā€¦schools creches wonā€™t open till Septemberā€¦maybe some form of level 3 from May maybe?

id say relative level 2+ā€¦ summer 2022

A lot of this dawned on me already but in the midst of new strains, heightened fears in general public and a situation that looks far worse by even last Aprils standards its good to look at the actual data and see that there is not much statistically different. The only constant is the demographics and it looks a lot less potent than ever.

They should announce two sets of figures

Cases in the community
Cases linked to poor infection control measures in the hospitals


Fear fear fear

The articles generally arenā€™t as scary as the headlines.

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Any rod for their backs has been carefully removed from all figures


Sept 2022 Iā€™d say.

cautiously optimistic - thats a good way to be
the LIDTF merchants love bandying about unrealistic open dates after campaigning to have the place bolted down , looking for their ā€œlight at the end of the tunnelā€, " its in everyoneā€™s grasp lads to get us back to the gaelic grounds now if we make the effort" . dosent work that way chumps- you reap what you sew in this game and none of us have any control over the power this cunt Hoolahan has annointed himself with thanks to the acceptance of project fear so just adapt and move on


@tank is our only hope

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We have turned the corner

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The deaths have been stable and in the same demographic. I reckon we will be at near zero new deaths from mid Feb with the care homes at least getting the first dose of the vaccine. Iā€™m sure we will hear of deaths from December in late Feb just to keep the fear going. We wonā€™t be below 800 cases per day till March due to infections within hospitals

The vaccine will kill all the elderly anyway so weā€™ll be good to go.

Iā€™m staying positive and assuming the vaccine will save us all. Iā€™ve reservations on how quick the approval process was but it outweighs the alternative. Iā€™m confident in the approval process as it is an absolute pain in the hole to do anything in a regulatory environment

and sterilise the youth

yeah the vaccine is the answerā€¦ but that madman luke o neill had fellas thinking there was some kind of binary relationship between vaccines and restriction free society at the end of november this year.
cautiously optimistic - Summer 2023 for unrestricted seating at the gaelic grounds id say.
Terraces are finished


I agree even with the vaccine I can still see some issue that will allow the goverment keep some form of restrictions. This concerns me. What is the end goal after the vaccine? With the vaccine we will have herd immunity but the virus will still be out there. Should be treated like mumps or measles imho deadly, still out there but with the MMR vaccine deaths are very uncommon.

lockdowns are here to stay, lads need to realise that, Governments will be very reluctant to let this level of power completely go, cash is finished for a start


Governments wonā€™t hand back the power to do this.

We need to storm the dail

Weā€™d be the only ones there