Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It’s obvious the people can’t be trusted to control a pandemic.

cash in hand jobs are gone, everyone in the country will be required to have a bank account, even the dole heads

The Chinese have the right idea with their social scores. If we had it there would be no more whining about All Ireland tickets - allocate them based on your social score.

Didn’t get a ticket? Tough, you shouldn’t have been two days late paying your water charges.

Want to see your parents? Three months of good behaviour need to get your score up.


begging is finished

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I think you are right here and it’s absolutely frightening. When the flu season is bad again next year they’ll want more lock downs.


In fairness given how well the first three lockdowns have worked. Its a no-brainer.

50 deaths (All occurred this month)

3498 cases

You’d have to be very sceptical we’ll ever get to enjoy a proper Christmas again.

Even Ministers of Finance will be required to have bank accounts

Stop the announcements

Get a fucking grip of yourself man. Snap.out of it.

giphy (11)


Ah yeah, you are such an empathetic type.

King Bogus, more like.


He’s broken ever since he came back from Cheltenham

Fuck sake lads going around like its fucking armageddon. What about those people from the mother and baby homes. Ignored for years after being abused and this lad giving out about having a bad Christmas. How many good Christmases did those poor mothers have. They might have half a chance this year after finally getting some recognition. Few lads around here would want to get a grip on themselves and be grateful for what they have


Well, you could say at least one thing for this thread, in that it makes for tidiness to have all the sociopaths in one corner.

‘They’ are going to lockdown for flu next winter… What sort of eejits is the world making at all… Ah yeah, ‘they’ will take the massive economic hit and lockdown for flu. Of course ‘they’ will.

Sociopaths plus stupidity is some spectacle.


We will have nothing to leave our children but the worst of all possible worlds


That sort of sense won’t get you far around here

Still, if this is their outlet for their insanity (CC @mickee321) then let them have it.

That’s probably what the nuns said to those poor mothers in those homes.

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FactCheck: Yes, masks, including cloth masks, can help prevent Covid-19 transmission

Wtf. Turns out some scientists are saying one thing and others the complete opposite. Handy that.