Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I wonder what they said to the parents who stood back as they were dropped on their doorstep

John Bull is closing the borders from Monday for every country. Unprecedented times!!


I see new born babies aren’t being issued passports currently. That’s the sort of democracy we are living in at the moment.

BBC News - Covid: UK to close all travel corridors from Monday

John Bull is really getting on top of it now.

The fucker means business.


Sure where would they be going anyway and the Irish banned from travel?

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Bollox, there goes my kinky Saturday night I had planned

Reminds me of the old yarn that there is a correlation between ice creams and murder. Like lockdowns stop covid

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The fact checks on the journal are usually flimsy enough. Sure face masks can be effective if people follow proper procedures. But as an example how many people do you think do the following…

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Earlier today I took a mask from the glove compartment covered in make up and wore it into the shop. I don’t think I qualify for this.


I don’t really get that though? Is the point of the mask not to stop a certain percentage of the droplets spreading from your mouth into the air? What does it matter if your mask is disease ridden once it does this?

If its on the mask you’ll get it on your hands if your not careful… Shake it off the mask etc. Do you wash/disinfect your hands every time you take it off? How do you store it and how often do you replace them or wash them? You should really wash it after wearing it once.

But what if its only purpose is to stop some of the droplets from my mouth spreading to others. Surely it doesn’t matter how dirty it is?
Look im going to be bombarded now with big long posts telling me why I’m such a stupid bastard but the first Google search brought up the mayo clinic advising cloth masks and they seem reputable enough to me. I’m sure you could find as many scientists saying they are good as saying they are waste of time. Usually there’s some strange correlation to how much people hate Donald trump to what they think of masks so I just take the whole thing with a pinch of salt tbh :man_shrugging:

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Ireland may have let luke and tony overplay their hand(s)

Follow the links in the journal piece and it will teach you how to use a mask :man_shrugging:

I take it from my arse pocket and shove it on my gob going into shop so people don’t give me dirty looks. It’s the modern equivalent of wearing underpants and trousers.

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Covid is a cod ffs