Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Nobody should argue that face masks donā€™t provide protection, they do, especially indoors. I wouldnā€™t go into a shop without a surgical mask, but we should also be aware that most masks worn are of little use, and give a false sense of security.

The information in this Farmers Journal article is out of date and incorrect. The key issue to understand here is the difference between droplet transmission and airborne transmission. The WHO and CDC (based on the WHO) claimed from March onward that transmission was droplet. This was based on a study from China that there was no evidence of airborne transmission. The same lads who were claiming in late January there was no evidence of human to human transmission.

The CDC changed itā€™s guidance in early October and said Covid 19 can be spread by airborne transmission and people can be infected by someone infected more than 6 feet away. This should already have been obvious given the respective R0 of the regular flu and Covid 19, the regular flu is 1.3 and it was known that Covid-19 was at least 3 and maybe 5 or 6 back in February. Flu is transmitted mainly by droplets, the R0 for Covid-19 puts it firmly in the airborne category. In terms of transmission, it is probably closer to measles (R0 >12) than influenza. This is a highly infectious virus, which makes stopping itā€™s transmission extremely difficult and maybe impossible in western countries.

What has this got to do with masks? Particles come in all sizes, large droplets expelled when you sneeze are 10 - 2,000 micron, aerosols produced by speaking and even breathing are in the range 300 nm to 5 micron. A person who is infected transmits 1,200 aerosol particles for every droplet. Aerosol particles stay in the air for long periods, so indoors with poor ventilation there is a very high risk of getting infected if someone infected is or was in the room. Aerosol particles can linger in poorly ventilated areas for hours.

The type of mask is critical. A surgical mask fitted with no gaps has 99% filtering efficiency for particles 300 nm to 5 micron, but drops to 50% even with a 1% gap. There is a reason why hospitals here wonā€™t let you in the door with a cloth mask and insist on you wearing a surgical mask that they provide. A tightly woven cotton mask (600 TRI) is almost as good as a surgical mask, but a porous cotton mask is only 10%. The assorted rags, scarves, and most cloth masks you see people wearing are in the latter category.

Bullet point: Wear a surgical mask or a tightly woven cotton mask, especially indoors, and make sure it is a tight fit to your face.


Only for the straps snapping on the disposable ones Iā€™d never throw them out. Completely counter productive I know.

Hows it going @carryharry

Look jimmy from Wiltshire farm foods is here


Have they gotten flimsier? I have a couple of reusable yokes I wear for weeks at a time that are probably doing me more harm than good in the long run, but I have a pack of the surgical ones in the glove box of the car as backup. Had two new ones snap on me as I was going into a shop in the last week.

Iā€™d say they are thrun together

@glenshane vitamins and the immune system vs covid.

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The Limerick lad on Drivetime tonight stopped at a Covid checkpoint. Questioned by Sergeant Elaine Osborne as to where he was off to. In to town to buy a lens cleaner for the DVD player. Sergeant Osborne asked in a stern voice did he really think that this was an essential journey and he said oh yes he was driven demented trying to set up the home schooling on line with all of his own children tormenting him plus he was minding the sister the nurses children and he needed to put on a dvd to get a bit of peace. Sergeant Osborne concurred that this did indeed seem essential


This will be over by May.

It was on the radio this morning that Ireland is the 2nd best in Europe per capita for vaccinations so far.

Tony Holohan is a fucking god. I canā€™t believe I ever listened to any of you lads.

What does Tony have to do with the vaccinations?

Paul Reid doing a great job on the vaccines

Weā€™re flying it

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A dog with a mallet up his hole could tell you we wonā€™t be open this yearā€¦

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breaking news
Hitler invades Poland

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Summer will be glorious

Do you think this will happen?

Under the comments there lads are writing off 2022. Iā€™m hoping to be back rocking and rolling for punchestown in April.

Iā€™ve 17 provisionally booked in for dingle the weekend of the Guineas.

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Unless thereā€™s a serious vaccine fuck up I donā€™t see any justification for us not being back to normal by mid summer