Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I bloody hope you are right :pray:

Once people have got their two doses, there is literally no more that can be done.

There seems to be plenty of people who exhort a kind of glee akin to a certain 6.01 Covid commentator from RTE when they say we will be locked down to 2022/2023. Some say it despairingly but the aforementioned get a real sadistic kick from it. And they are a sizeable number. I never figured so many people shared so much in common with a bird in a cage who has bed and board. They don’t have to be afraid anymore. We are all the same. Rendered useless. Lifes pressures the same in every household the country over. No keeping up pretenses anymore. Pointless even flapping our wings.


If it is over soon I won’t be able to cope. I’m barely sleeping 2 hours a night anymore. Everything is so pointless.

Have you ever considered emigration? Europe is bad granted but there are plenty of other places you could make it.

2025 I’d say before it’s over.

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maybe its a sense of realism tho expressed with a degree of confidence?
we are where we are as the man says and its utter folly to asssume " it’ll be grand in the summer" where there is no suppoting data whatsoever to make a claim, imagine the lows that kind of nonsense thinking would bring?.. this is for the long haul, i cannot see how this is a short term project

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Toby should have told them to go shit in their hat

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Full nationwide curfew in France for a fortnight. Everyone inside by 6pm

Surprised the lads didn’t try that here. They missed a trick

How’s the vaccinating going beyond there?

How are your folks?


Hard to see the Olympics going ahead.

OK thanks. Didn’t get too bad of a dose so far anyway


In better news, the pandemic has allowed us to claim full refunds on the Euro 2020* tickets we’d stockpiled (cc @briantinnion).

To speak to a post** @georgeorwell made last night about some folk being gleeful about the current state of affairs, my sense is it’s not just George Lee types or selfish “I’m alright wfh” types. There’s also a section of society that were unhappy with their lot, resented others’ success/happiness and are now perversely happier that everyone’s been dragged down. I’ll call them “at least it’s shit for everyone now” types, I know a couple of these.

*still known as Euro 2020 despite move to 2021

*do you lads get clowns in work “speaking to slides, reports etc etc?


Over the last 7 days mind. They left that bit in small print.

You’d have to close the off licenses to make that work.

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Lots of people who consume a lot of Netflix and Twitter and are generally dissatisfied with their lot but haven’t yet gotten to the stage of wondering why consuming all of the things the modern world tells them to consume doesn’t bring them fulfilment and have been wallowing in that malaise for a long time. Lockdowns makes it the status quo and validates everything they’ve been doing with their lives.


Correction, you’d have to allow off licenses to deliver to make that work.

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