Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Not a hope.

Schools are planning for lockdowns next autumn and lads here think weā€™ll be open by June :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


As long as we get the Picnic weā€™ll be grand

A meaningful Christmas this year would be great and Iā€™d be happy with that.

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Can we never use those words again please?

I say full on normal, but 90% there.

Last summer we really fucked up by not relaxing more while we could. We had more restrictions than all of Europe all through the summer.

Get the virus back to the low levels it was at last summer and add in that all the most vulnerable will have been vaccinated and you couldnā€™t possibly justify anything above level 2.


Off licences deliver all the time


Great post.

The amount of people who seem to get an almost sick joy out of all of this is insane.

Same people love to sit in on a Tuesday night watching CNN to see the world burn.

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Weā€™ll be locked down for another 18 months lads.


with reference to a guy speaking to slides , thatā€™s normally reserved for fellas on North of 6 figures who get some jobsworth(s) to crunch the numbersā€¦I wouldnā€™t knock it

the part that has me, is that fellas who scream loudest for a lockdown then want out of it the quickest as they assume its a simple binary fix, "oh Iā€™m not sending my kids in , close close the schools the children could die " ā€¦ā€œshur the schools will be open now in February and we ll be planning the munster championship and brighter daysā€ā€¦
what the absolute fuck is this?
you wanted the place closed down to protect you from this illness that is so boutique and ā€œintelligentā€ it only impacts select few geriatrics ā€¦you have cheerleaded the hype and hysteria this thing has brought with it that has lead to the ruination of society and have asked for lockdowns knowing that they donā€™t work from previous and andā€¦asked for a lockdown when there has been no success criteria defined to releaseā€¦but ā€œoh shur the schools will be open in no timeā€¦ we all did our bitā€¦ā€

wankersā€¦ what exactly do you think is going to happen next here?


The only sensible solution is for the lidtf outfit to fuck off and live in china

Is China not opened up?

but they wonā€™t have a bad word spoken about China as thats racistā€¦

Oh look here comes a plane load of dodgy PPE given to us by Mr. Feng, weā€™ve got fuck all else to be doing , letā€™s watch the flight on the Internet between reruns of the 2004 munster hurling final and upload a video to twitter of us clapping when it arrivesā€¦

back under the bed nowā€¦
letā€™s all remember to do our hourly temperature checks

tony said he ll have us all back in the gaelic grounds by May, itll all be grandā€¦shur they are just locking us down, its temporaryā€¦just need to get the cases down

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China has never been opened up

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Starting to lockdown in places.

Typical capitalist westerner viewpoint

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Meanwhile China and India are hard at work. They must be looking on in bafflement at how lazy and infantile the west has become. Thereā€™s no way it can continue. Borrowing from china to buy from china. Thereā€™ll be a day of reckoning

There is a big push by the Zero Covid crowd at the moment. I went onto the ISAG website and what was noticeable was the absence of detail - just a lot of high level aspirational goals with barely a figure (logistical, economical, timeline) to be seen and absolutely no sense of the trade offs that would be incurred were we to take that approach. 9 months on - what have they been doing other than turning up on radio/tv to spout slogans.

Like - if itā€™s a serious strategy that can be adapted for Ireland - letā€™s see in clear detail if itā€™s achievable.

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:clap: :clap: