Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Lockdowns should continue until case numbers fall until zero. We are still allowed outside to walk and once the weather gets someway warmer that will actually be nice. If we can drive case numbers low by summer we might be allowed to meet a friend or two outside in a field. Another 12 months and we might be allowed to visit family indoors. It isn’t actually that bad when you think about it.


Sounds dreadful, it’s almost like you’re being sarcastic.

Hope you’re keeping well mate.

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Where the fuck are lads going to get a friend, nevermind a field?

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I presume the hospital system has crashed, they’ve gone very quiet over the last few days after predicting armageddom last week…the so called hospital porters now working in an ICU…




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This must be the first pandemic ever to have it’s own marketing campaign

Schools will open start of february. They won’t leave the special needs kids in on their own and staffing will become too complicated so they’ll ONSUTF.

They told us we’d have over a hundred people dying a day by now. The hospital system is where most cases (positive tests) are being picked up. The hospital system is under pressure not due to patient numbers but because of arbitrary isolation rules that they changed again.

All the while cancer treatment and screening is postponed.

While they vaccinate admin staff

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I know people who have been screened for cancer over the past number of weeks, including a few days ago.

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Some people are being screened but it’s at much less reduced rate and there is a backlog.

Treatments have also been delayed or postponed for many.

Wife had to have a test yesterday. Her two nephews tested positive on Thursday and are working in the same place. What do I do if she tests positive?

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Throw up a few gifs & a photo of your dinner?



One person got in for a screen in 4 days.

You’ll be informed what to do, but if she does, you’ll be going nowhere for a few weeks.

You’ll be a close contact and have to go for a test. Either way you’ll be isolating for 14 days.

Colm Henry says we’ll be locked down for a year. Scenes.

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She just came back negative


She’ll have to get a second test and isolate for 14 days. You’re ok to continue once no symptoms.

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This isn’t helpful.

Completely nonsensical and won’t happen. Once the vulnerable are vaccinated, there would be no greater reason to have restrictions for Covid as there would for traffic related deaths