Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It’s like banning people from driving until everyone has passed the driving test.


Do yous not have walls in Dublin?

These medics won’t give up control or the limelight willingly.


They are not big into debate over there and on their social media. I noticed anyone who even tries to debate with them is usually blocked.

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The markets won’t allow it

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Maybe a private company could be paid 150 a go to carry out vaccinations

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A year at least.

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Did Tubs say last night that a 25 year old was amongst those who died from Covid in the past couple of days?

The people won’t allow it either once they see Britain flying through their vaccines and opening up. We compare ourselves against Britain in everything. The government were generally praised in the first lockdown as Britain were making a fuck of it, while we were doing no better than average or worse really.

In the vaccinations then, Britain started flying through them, we released a conservative plan, people compared us to Britain unfavourably and suddenly we’re flying on the vaccines.

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Yeah… That’s why we’ll be locked down until next year

While a tragedy for the individual It’s statistically irrelevant.

It’s like banning stairs because somebody fell
Down the stairs.

Tubridy in a studio telling people to stay at home really grinds my gears.


Seal the island and open everything up in April.

Almost as bad as these people on social media posting up pictures of them sitting in traffic. Complaining about all the people out and about. Why are they not all staying at home? While they are out and about themselves.


@mikehunt most certainly the archetype of this character. @carryharry also, another bitter chap who when he hears about people having fun, it drives him ape.
Most of the other LIDTF types here have been duped by the media into hysteria, are simple souls who’ve taken to heart phrases like long covid, makeshift morgues, an intelligent virus waiting to pounce and George Lee feeding them fear porn daily. Unfortunately this mix has dragged down the rest of society.



the Irish are generally a negative and begrudging race of people and this whole thing is perfect for them, a lot of people are revelling in the misery and pain it is causing people


@Thomas_Brady as an example

He is a realist.

Anyone thinking this pandemic ends this year is for the birds. We’ll be lucky to see current restrictions ease by May.

Infections rates are not going to drop off enough this year and vaccine roll out is a monumental disaster.

@Thomas_Brady speaks the truth.