Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

They can forget about takeaway pints.

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You deserve a medal pal. A key factor in the change of approach.


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Julio and the hopping up and down lads doing their bit for the country.



Glas and the lads in the civil service telling Leo and co what a great job they are doing


Is that bandage and myboyblue?

The clouds are lifting my friends. Stay the course.

Weā€™ll have to have a pint in pedigree corner

Ewan is a man of the people


I never thought Iā€™d jump at the chance to scoop there again

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Like itā€™s a tantalising vision they outline - back to normal with extremely limited short-term and long-term downsides. They continually maintain its achievable too so I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to expect a bit of detail - what have they spent all their time on.

Iā€™m concerned that ā€œZero Covidā€ is the ā€œBurn the bond holdersā€ clarion call a decade later. Easy to sloganise and easy from the cheap seats to assert it wonā€™t cause second-order affects and in many ways cynically packaged to appeal to a majority that donā€™t do detail or complexity.


I suppose if weā€™ve achieved zero flu anything is possible.


Anyone dying of the flu these days just isnā€™t doing their bit


Why are they vaccinating people working in private nursing homes. They are run for profit.

So you agree they have failed, thanks.


Lads yapping about losing their businesses or having to leave elderly relatives alone in homes or hospitals, or showing concern for those in need of cancer treatment, the children denied their few hours of sanctuary, the lonely, the depressed etc. They really just need to man the fuck up. No one ever improved the crumb structure of their sourdough with that sort of attitude


Pints trump all.

When it fails they will just say we didnā€™t do it hard enough and need to go again but harder.

Hardly the fault of the staff in there is it that the beacon management are acting like utter cunts. Maybe refuse the senior management team the vaccine