Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)



Can someone find the article where he said it . Remember reading it put cant Remember where

This was November/December

There have been 219 confirmed cases of patients acquiring Covid-19 inside acute hospitals in the four weeks up to December 13th, according to figures provided to The Irish Times.

Some 90 patients contracted the virus while in hospital in the week up to November 22nd, with 46 cases of hospital-acquired Covid-19 in the last week of November.

There were 51 confirmed cases of patients contracting the virus from others while in hospitals in the first week of December, and 32 hospital-acquired cases in the week up to December 13th.

In most cases patients will be tested for Covid-19 as they are admitted into hospital, and then regularly tested afterwards.

A HSE spokeswoman said the ā€œcontrol of hospital-acquired Covid-19 is critical to protect patients from infection, to protect healthcare workers from exposure and to reassure prospective patients who need hospital services that it is safe to come to hospital.ā€

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Uk is similar

Almost one in four people diagnosed with coronavirus could have contracted it in hospital, figures suggest.

Out of 10,150 patients being treated for the disease in hospital, 2,414 may have developed symptoms of the disease in wards while they were being treated for other illnesses, according to data from NHS England.

The News have just said that 1/26 have the COVID in Blackrock, Dundalk. Stay safe @caulifloweredneanderthal

Itā€™s been zipped now for ten months.

When I finished college I taught Monday sessions and Thursday nights might be snuck in now and again, life and work has to take priority and unfortunately you have to gradually grow up and when the years move on they move on and you canā€™t get them back.

Youā€™re saving lives mate.

The duds are fucking loving this

Yeah thereā€™s usually a real mardi gras feel to Dublin because of the club finals alright

By ruining mine.

Because you canā€™t drink? You weak , fragile little man.

Do I have to copy and paste all the other life experiences that have been missed. I will leave it at that now with you.

Go back to your life of midlife mediocrity.

Iā€™ll be back in the shebeen in three weeks and hopefully rocking and rolling by summer as you continue to follow your wife around looking at carpets.


Most of it stems from one wedding over the Xmas.

The bride demanded that all guests not wear masks. If you wore one, go home.

50 supposed to be at hotel. 80 were there. She is a SNA. Teachers were there also. Four people already confirmed with COVID turned up. A beautician turned up with mask on and was told take it off. There were house parties after the hotel turfed them out at 10pm (original agreement had been midnight).

40 of the guests already confirmed with it. Husband from Monaghan. Guess who else had their numbers bumped in last few weeks? A factory outbreak in Drogheda directly linked to this.

Oh and the brideā€™s mother is a former senior nurseā€¦


I have you mentally destroyed here. I almost feel bad nowā€¦

Imagine how many people we have murdered in the past by spreading flu?


She sounds like a right stupid cunt



Or the cold. Lotsa people die from the cold. Masks, lockdowns, working from home are the ONLY HOPE

All those times I went into work with snifflesā€¦

I need to get to confessions now.


As this goes on isolation etc is actually going to do real damage to peoples immune systems.

Especially kids.

The vaccine for Covid I believe has never even been tested on animals. Is that a first?