Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Tis some cod when you manage a hospital and canā€™t get a few auld doses for the sprogs out of it.


There was fellas roaring here last week to just jab it into arms, anyones arms just dont waste the vaccine and get it out there. This week the roaring is a new subjectā€¦


So long as there is something or someone to roar about theyā€™ll be kept happy.

Thereā€™ll be a new misfortune next week, itā€™ll be revealed some junior minister went running up a hill or something.

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The klaxon sounded

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The jabs shouldnā€™t be wasted and itā€™s good that lessons have been learned from elsewhere. It would be better though if the system was a bit more dynamic and local GPs were partnered with to identify risky people in household settings that could do with it earlier.


Said builders left behind 33.1m in gross liabilities when it went into receivership under a different guise in 2011.


First against the wall.

Thatā€™s a cracking headline. :joy:

Top drawer in fairness

Iā€™d say there are money streams going all sorts of directions at this stage, all without tender and all incentivising the government response.
Tory party levels of corruption and lads are happy to buy these masks without ever questioning why.

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Constantly outraged

No where near as bad as 2005 - 2007 , but it was building pace pre pandemic.

It wasnā€™t me sir

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The family members of hospital workers are circling the wagons


ā€œweā€™ re working really hardā€¦ā€

awwwā€¦such heroes

Heā€™s not wrong

I wonder what the actual Minister for Health thinks? Unfuckingbelievable maybe?

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