Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Absolutely throwing Egghead under the bus :grin:


If only we had delayed the roll-out for another few weeks so a comprehensive and robust spare vaccine protocol could have been drawn up. We’ll just have to live with the fallout now.

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Now is not a time for protocols.

Harris should be minding his own business.

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Speed trumps perfection. Let’s not make perfect the enemy of good. You’ll be supping pints at Punchestown if we plough on and don’t get distracted by sideshows

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Surprised to see FF let FG continuously undermine them with seemingly no response. Perhaps they have no response to offer.

Harris doing the FG “commentating as a neutral observer” thing. You’re in the government, you little cunt. You should know if there’s a protocol or not.


Sorry lads, I lashed out there.


The lad that was in banking when the country went bust sees nothing wrong with a big wig fiddling the system for his own benefit… Surprise, surprise.


He’s giving the rest of us a bad name.


He genuinely should be struck off the medical register.

This is a well known much used tax dodge.


It’s a complicated roll-out that is pretty much being done on the fly.
Gaps in policy and procedure will appear and be addressed once highlighted.


Leo Varadkar’s opinion piece on this in the Sindo next weekend should be good.

He did himself up. His behaviour was absolutely appalling. He should be struck off as I’ve said. It was theft and high level cold eyed corruption.

Can you explain it?

Another question is why were the vaccines sitting in a fridge since Monday so that they were in a panic to use them by Friday night. And could they not themselves have used the intervening 4 and 1/2 days to figure out how many vaccines they had and who to give them to?

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He’s embezzled anything up to 16 vaccinations here. They should have been put in the bin fairly in accordance with procedure. He simply must go.

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You seem very ok with him vaccinating his kids. Have you skin in the game the same as Dan?

None whatsoever. I’m one of the “I’m alright” WFH LIDTF crew, so actually vaccing extra people flies in the face of my general outlook.

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I think the real issue that should be highlighted is that we could have 120 “spare” with no logic to where they are going. There’s probably a couple of thousand administered in this fashion already. It’s good to use them but we can’t be Israel just giving them to the pizza delivery boy given our supply.

The system seems to be on a count up basis outside of healthcare settings where as we needed to at least come up with a way to have a listing of the people who absolutely need the vaccine. This is a mistake happening all over the world it appears.