Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

NPHET really are made up of morons.

They have closed down pretty much everything but want more. Things like dental surgeries closed in March and are open now, they don’t give a fuck about general health just Nolan’s flawed model and traffic stats.



Dr Favier said she would appeal to people not to go to work

Great advice Dr Favier. Sure we can all get by on fresh air.

If the full story is they took a big detour across the country im sure it will come out. I’m not worried about people sorting their family, not ethical but not illegal and no point in roaring and shouting about getting 16 people vaccinated rather than fuck it in the bin

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I was wondering what the tax dodge was and how it worked. I think you’ve explained it to me now.

I had an issue with a tooth in March, big abscess on my gum. I knew that it will need a root canal. Went to my dentist on reopening in June and she couldn’t do anything as she couldn’t use the water tools or had her nurse. In fairness during lockdown 1 she sent me prescriptions to treat it. I had a nasty infection until September when I finally got the root canal. Imagine looking forward to a root canal for almost 6 months


That’s some fall in a day in terms of numbers and positivity.

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It seems to be fizzling out.

@Bandage had a robust piece of analysis on this last week.

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Cant there be somewhere along the spectrum apart from Ewan or the lunatic Irish Twitter fringe?

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Some change in 12 days.

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It’s avoidance rather than evasion. It’s legal. I have an acquaintance who does it. He makes an awful awful lot of money. He does it for his son who is 15. He then furloughed the son who got it paid by the taxpayer. It fair boiled my piss and it vexes me really the way it’s used in general by the wealthy.
As regards giving his own children the injection, he’d be in major major trouble on the mainland, but it’s a different climate in Ireland I spose. It’s indefensible though. He must have been aware of the ramifications if caught, and just thought “fcuk it”. This would indicate that he genuinely felt it would make his own children significantly safer, which makes it even worse.


People against started showing some personal responsibility. It didn’t hurt that they were hearing names of people with it, instead of numbers of people with it. A few deaths really shook them up a bit too. Sad that it took that much mind you.

no, you cant sit on the fence. pick a side and stick with it. Its the TFK way.


I do my own thing


You should report him.

No more than you give a fuck about the general health of anything other than your portfolio. It’ll bounce back Tim, just be a bit more patient.

George Lee will still find a way to spin it negatively.

When the cases were at 40 a day in September it was still grave.


Huh? The stock market has been flying mate. Keep up.

George Lee needs to be fired into the sea.


And you’re still moaning, when’s the last time you smiled?