Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

And by God he was right

I smile all the time because I get to go to the dentist. Miserable bucktoothed muldoons like yourself want to bring everyone down to your level.

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Its almost as if lockdowns donā€™t work

The numbers are decreasing

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Snitches get stitches.

Apologies if posted already



It was posted already.

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Fuck sake @Lazarus.

Could we conclude from this that lockdowns work?

buts thats the thing - its not complicated - but Paddy seeks to politicize everyting

order of vaccine

  1. whatā€™s the median age of death w/infection - 70/80? - grand everyone then of that age and above are P1 - this literally stops the people dying which im assuming is the objective of the thing- setup a tent and herd the bastards into it using 52 seater buses 24/7 as long as you have vaccine , ( and yes they did this in israel)
  2. medical staff as these guys will take a day first sniff of a cold
  3. do people < then the age defined in item 1 die from this if they have a suspect condition? - ok - determine that age and put them as no.3 if they have a documented condition

then call it off - the rest is voluntary uptake as it dosent matter a jot if the rest of the population are vaccinated or not

data supports all the above
a junior cert maths student could draw up the plan- im assuming the last census tells us the age of the population - so that covers item 1


2121 cases 8 deaths. Looks like ye are over the peak.

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Thatā€™s sickening behaviour alright. I donā€™t know that the repercussions would have been any worse in the UK, the Tories regularly brazen out far worse.

Are NPHET finally looking at the data correctly?

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For a medic they would I suspect. The GMC would investigate.

Is NPHET not largely made up of HSE people ?

Thankfully the doomsday death scenario has not materialized.

NEPHET are more of an opinionated pressure group like the IONA institute that use fear mongering to push an opinion on the gulliableā€¦data is not something these folk like talking about