Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

im israel people were/are encouraged to loiter outside vaccine centers towards end of a shift as they can receive stock that wasnt used due to no shows
ive no idea of the specifics of the situation in dublin or who or what that hospital does but if they were left over yer man may as well have used them

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my only qualm with the bar chart, ( id prefer if it was stacked BTW) is the use of the word “discovered” - this gives the impression they found them in a supervalu bag… in s system that is designed to be entirely predictable one cannot , cannot make a discovery… fucking hell

the optics, etc @Bandage
That’s fucking poor from David W. Higgins
these lads wouldnt last 5 minutes in industry

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Ha that really didn’t require a bar chart

optics… see above

Oh my goodness.

1200 doses a day in one site seems decent.

A pie chart would have been a better representation

It’s not often you see Tim crack but it’s not normal times we live in

It’s an efficiency gain.

yeah - they discovered an extra 10% - meaning that it looks like either they assumed incorrectly they were getting a certain amount, didnt count it correctly or the the distributor gave them too much so they werent prepared…either way if he is part of that team it makes the whole system look bad.
that kind of stuff would do my head in - he should never be allowed publish data again

Laois Gardai issues fines and turn around cars for breaches of 5km travel restrictions

18th January 2021

Gardai in Laois were out in force over the weekend – exercising powers that have been granted to them to punish people who breach Covid-19 regulations.

Under the Health Act 1947 (Section 31A-Temporary Restrictions) (Covid-19) (No.10) Regulations 2020 in accordance with the Health (Preservation and Protection and other Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) Act, Gardai now have the power to fine anyone who is found to be outside of 5km from their home without reasonable excuse or justification.

Gardai in Laois targeted a number of public amenities over the weekend.

At Emo Court, Oakvale Woods in Stradbally and locations in the Slieve Bloom Mountains, they executed their new powers.

A number of people were issued with fines while several cars were turned around.

All of these people, according to Gardai, were in breach of public health regulations and had travelled beyond 5km of their homes.

They say: “An Garda Síochána has repeatedly appealed to people to adhere to public health regulations and not to travel beyond 5km of their homes.

“An Garda Síochána has repeatedly advised people not to park illegally at public amenities as it could hinder access by emergency services.

“While the vast majority of the public are compliant there still appears to be people who don’t want to take that advice.

“Gardaí in Laois Offaly Division have issued Fixed Charged Notices to people who are well outside their 5km limit and turned back vehicles after issuing a caution to the drivers.

“Gardaí will again be on duty today supporting the Covid 19 regulations and helping protect our frontline hospital staff and the wider community

Did this lad explain his vaccine doses last time round?

Seems a bit of a spoofer.


Strange that we got around 60 deaths reported there one or two days recently but they have remained fairly low apart from that

You call it strange, I’d call it good

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They’re a bit like Sinn Féin and the IRA.

NPHET’s detractors will have to call them NPHET/HSE.


Every small business in the country is doing this to some extent I’d say.

To be fair it’s due to irregular amounts in the bottles. The bottles are sold as having 5 doses, but generally contain 6 and sometimes 7 doses. You have to plan based on 5 doses, but then you may end up with extra doses as the day goes on.

Whoever is planning the volume is doing a decent job tbf. Lets not get tied up with whos getting the extras as long as its going in someone’s arm. 1 jab closer to pints


It seems to be fizzling out big time in the North.