Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Thereā€™s no one left to get it up there

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Christ. Is this moral outrage over who gets vaccines the new curtain twitching?


@glenshaneā€™s aunt hasnā€™t got it yet

And she never will. Head on her.

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Builders getting it now. Its like covid meets the celtic tiger.

Hold your jizz juice.

Shot the load. Swear I was in the UCD library

Wonder how long before Tom Parland will be roaring down a microphone on RTE demanding all construction workers get the jab

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A Prime Time investigates on the way, with an undercover reporter in scrubs reprising their role from observing the waitresses not serving the ā‚¬9 meal in pubs.


Rosin Shorthall laying into Eamon Ryan here. Granted Eamon isnā€™t there to defend himself .

Roisin is venturing into ā€˜people who are beginning to give me a pain in the holeā€™ territory.

This Green chap is pure harmless - arenā€™t they all - and heā€™s batting her away comfortably enough.

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Yeah, the screaming mary element is raising its head alright

The Social Democrats might as well not exist

Simon Harrisā€™s brother on Clare Byrne now talking about not opening up a he schools for special needs kids.

Tonight Show had Dunphy on as a COVID expert earlier on.

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The government donā€™t know what to do with this one. Twitter reaction seems 50-50. Loads still in the lock it down wonā€™t someone think of the children. Whilst many parents need the routine and support of the SNU set up and for the special needs kids to be back at school. The wind isnā€™t blowing hard enough one way for them to make a call. Meanwhile those most affected by this situation are not involved in the decision process


McDonkey here now to give the people hope

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