Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

He’s a good guy. Has done a huge amount of work for autism.


McDonkey back.

Claire asking him about COVID toes?

Sam being very level headed here and refusing to take Clare Byrnes bait to go off on one here.


They are about to go after open fires now on ClAire Byrne

Claire referring to the virus as “weird”, “strange” and “mysterious” tonight.

Byrne is some fear monger.

She was doing her best to get Sam to tell people not to go to the shops.


A lad holding a sod of turf

While she works away with studio guests, camera and sound men. In the middle of a deadly pandemic. Now a lad with turf.

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Good jocks though

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This lad is a great grandson of The O’Rahilly. And a bit of a stones with it.


It’s mad Claire Byrne thinks anybody is going to listen to mcconkey. Just shows desperate she is to create fear.

56/44 is a landslide

Why was he called The?

He considered himself to be chief of the O’Rahilly clan.

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Another great night of tv for the boys

A man you’d go to war for

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I’d say there was the touch of the looper about him.


Theres going to be some vacuum around here in 2035 when we’re all jabbed and can finally move within 20km of the house