Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Claire surprised this guy is doing all his work through zoom calls. Imagine that Claire

The leather trousers doing Claire no favors on her little walk there


Cc @myboyblue :popcorn:

A walk at lunchtime and a cup of tea with the housemates in the evening. The sacrifices the WFH brigade have made should not be forgotten.


I’ll remember that when I’m having a nice creamy pint in the glass house hotel in sligo tomorrow evening. I’ll raise my glass to them


Make sure to log it in the appropriate thread.

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Looks ok to me bro

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Takes a certain type of attitude to be able to pull off the leather look. At least she spared us not going all out with a high waist pair


What’s the story when we have successfully vaccinated a million ?

We start on the second million in 2033

In all seriousness?

I don’t know pal tbh. This thing is taking so many twists and turns.

They don’t know themselves at this point

I’d say we are due a few good twists at this stage. I can feel it coming.

Only 10% positives today.

He’s been hiding in his shed for ten months.

I’d say after the debacle of Christmas, you can forget about a quick turn around in opening the country up anyway. Tony and the nphet gang had a big told you so moment at Christmas and they’ll have Martin an co under the cosh for the next few months

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Ye are going nowhere for the year.

Back to the shebeen so in March for me.

I’d like to say there will be some kind of a revolution but people are so depressed at this stage they can’t be bothered. Too many do gooders on Twitter deciding policy also, mostly lads who you’d see in college a few years back who were members of the frisbee club.


Wouldn’t disagree with that

This is it. Even if cases and deaths tumble, Tony will insist on a certain percentage vaccinated before he releases the hounds. Mickey Martin will sit on his paws.

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