Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I’d say at absolute best you’re probably looking at level 2/3 for the rest of this year after the vaccine is done.

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I won’t cancel the Cheltenham accom just yet

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Without a doubt. Even if hospitalisations and deaths plummet, NPHET have them over a barrel now after the land the govt got over Christmas. Any reopening will be glacially slow. For fear of being labelled granny killers again.


You’d imagine if the UK push ahead then we will too. The premier league will be pushing for full attendances in autumn?

There’ll never be a taoiseach happier to hand over the mantle in a couple of years unless some kind of game changer comes into pkay

I don’t get it, reports in Israel suggest the vaccine works. What else can we do if it doesn’t anyway? I’m very confused.

The one thing that always influences the govts thinking is what is happening in other countries. Especially the UK. If they are firing ahead opening up stuff by the Summer it will put pressure on the govt here to do likewise. But NPHET won’t relinquish that influence easily. They have the whip hand now.

I dont know kid. The government got an awful kick in the hole at Christmas. Tony now runs the show and I can imagine him coming up with something along the lines of holding fire on opening up until they see what what way countries like Israel are trucking a few months after the vaccine.

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I think Borris is the only hope and there is a greater amount of people in the UK therefore more likely to be opposition to current restrictions.

I’m a young man with a decent following on all social media platforms but I would never consider posting an alternative view as everyone would be saying in some sort of a lunatic. It’s a big problem living in a small country.


Stick or twist?

If John Bull keeps firing away on these vaccines we could have a meaningful Cheltenham. Just need paddy cosgrave to sort a jab so we can get into blighty

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Have you tried promoting curry Tuesday?

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Yeah but two things here.

  1. If mick doesn’t have his act together, John Bull could tell him to fuck off.

  2. I heard somewhere that horse owners have to fork out up to half the value of their horses to her majesties revenue because of brexit. Its refundable but itll take months to get it back.

Our Conor is a good chap. Might start a YouTube channel filming lads calving cows maybe.

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No 2 is N/A according to @BruidheanChaorthainn.
Boris has a wedge in Shiskin - it goes ahead


Was rumoured but not true

An entire generation and their social media anxiety summed up in a couple of posts. I suppose politicians can quit trembling in fear of the people- safe in the knowledge that no one will raise their voice lest they be unfollowed or defriended online
Breda and nuala are the henchmen of totalitarianism.


You are a lunatic

that is 100% correct.
I couldn’t believe you had fellas on here screaming for schools to be closed when it has been proven this has no impact on kids and its at best questionable they transmit it…they bought into the fear… these lunatics were in effect annointing hoolahan et al with extraordinary powers…what do lads think will happen? a few of us have pointed out exactly what you said is a reality and we had @Bandage accusing us of showing a lack of positivity…here is fucking mr. fine gael himself!! keep smiling lads…shur it’ll be grand after Easter… and this is after fellas called varadkaar a cunt for at least trying to give a break…its clear the people want lockdown and him and mickey are not going to chance anything now lads…

I 100% agree at least L3 till next spring is the reality there is absolutely no way schools will reopen this side of September, the success criteria hasn’t even been defined for it and guess what…you wankers on here cheerlead it…

what snide cunt on here said “,oh I bet people are shittiing it now…hehe” when cases went up as if people gave a shit about getting a cold…
they’re shitting it about having kids at home till September, seeing their parents go into deep depression or maybe their livelihoods are falling apart…

but go on shur …we ll all be off to the gaelic grounds in May