Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That’s evil.

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How fucking selfish would NPHET have to be if they think dental check ups are non-essential.

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There was nothing she could do. She inspected it as an emergency in June when they were allowed back but under the guildlines at the time they couldn’t use the water jet tools as they spread vapour and covid. Also you need a nurse to assist in a root canal. She gave me an injection of antibiotics directly into the gum to ease it. Now it was uncomfortable but not painful for the most part

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This was lockdown 1 so dunno about the current restrictions. But oral health is very important to health problems


But basically you could have been howling in pain and she wouldn’t be allowed treat you for months.

Yup all she could do is write prescriptions

The same eejits who tell you teachers do a tough job and deserve 4 months off during the year.

Big pharma wins again.

Schools will definetely be open by March i reckon.

whatever you do…just don’t don’t mention the fact they may need to change their holidays…we are all living in some hunter gatherer society where children are needed to save hay during the summer months so school simply can’t happen


I don’t understand how they couldn’t have written off January and part of February and just extended the school year by a month or so. Start next year in late September/October, and then pull back the days over two years although that would mean extending next year a little.

A small bit of inconvenience but as its a vocation and they only have the kids in their mind, I’m sure it wouldn’t be too much to ask.

Give the teachers some additional payment - although January/part of Feb would have been off so there wouldn’t be any additional days.

Home schooling is an absolute joke.


The teachers wouldn’t mind but you’re forgetting the unions. The union leaders would mind.


Would make a lot of sense. Never a runner with the teachers unfortunately

This lockdown does have a feel of a throw a way the key element to it. I think the curtain twitchers have been emboldened by the massive spike in case numbers which has thankfully not lead to 100’s of deaths a day and temporary morgues being set up as the grim picture outlined for us a few weeks ago started to unfold. Christmas was nearly 4 weeks ago so any lag you would have to surmise would have happened by now. I think with the current numbers receding the way they are I think the schools could realistically go back at the start of February when cases might be around 7-800 a day but I think the levels of fear has split parents down the middle on that concept. The only metric I have seen by which things could be rowed back a bit on restrictions is when ICU numbers are maintained around 50. They are currently 4 times that. Median age for people in ICU is around 62 so essentially when 55-64 priority grouping are vaccinated could you see a return to some semblance of normality all things being equal. So perhaps some time around July/August.

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Have any teachers died from covid?

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When George Lee reports on teeth lost on the news NPHET will care about dentists.

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There was no spike in cases with schools open.

They won’t be opened now of course but there’s no science or even anecdotes backing it. In fact science and studies say kids viral load is so low they cannot transmit it in any meaningful way. It’s funny as if you bring a kid into a hospital you are treated like you rolled in a hand grenade. Same hospitals are awash with transmission of Covid.

Hysteria means we have parked all critical faculties and nobody seems to be allowed ask questions.

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I’m not sure if many have noticed but any of the healthcare workers that have died from Covid seem to be of middle eastern extraction. I wonder does this feed into the vitamin D concept. I would imagine any person from Africa or Middle East enduring an Irish Winter would be severely Vitamin D deficient.

People should be taking a daily Vitamin D supplement. That should be advertised as much as wear a mask. There’s more evidence to support
Vitamin D benefits than masks