Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

When the budget deficits from Covid balloon to an unsustainable level, George Lee will be itching to get back into his old economics brief to spread misery about rises in bond yields every day.

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Heā€™ll be asking if the economic price of
Lockdown was worth it.


I posted a video yesterday where a doctor cited a study where deaths among doctors where reduced to zero with the use of invermectin. Ivor Cummins has a podcast interview with a doctor who noted similar results in England with the introduction of vitamin d.

I thought we were able to produce our own vitamin D quite easily from limited sunlight as we never had long periods of sun whereas people from hotter countries now living in Ireland would need the tablets as their bodies had never learnt to produce it from such small exposure hereā€¦donā€™t know where I heard that ā€¦

Just about everyone in icu is deficient in vitamin dā€¦


Yeah we are more efficient producing it but most people donā€™t get enough in winter. Unless you are a sea swimmer very little skin is exposed in January.

Deficiency is apparently linked to lots of ailments/cancers.


Regardless of covid the health system should be pushing people to eat a balanced diet, supplement where needed to reach required levels to avoid deficiency across all vitamins and minerals, excerise and performing tasks/methods to maintain good mental health. By doing this it will lead to a healthier population that will rely in the health service less. Peoples immune system will work better and be able to fight influenza, colds or cornavirus better. This is common sense that a vast majority of the population ignore. Education on these subjects should be giving as much as the guildlines are pumped at us daily. Washing hands and wearing a mask when felling unwell are good advice but not the silver bullet as many believe. Less sick people due to them taking care of themselves means we wonā€™t see overcrowded hospitals in January every year


They should close primary schools completely no home learning. Put the teachers on the pup then until they re open. Itā€™s really very simple. Theyā€™ve arbitrarily closed loads of other industries. This isnā€™t really an anti teacher thing either. They are just normal people and a normal human reaction is to take as little risk as possible if getting full pay. The solutions would be much easier to reach if this happened. Far less bitterness around too. Teachers would basically lose a couple of hundred euro a week for a few weeks but would win back public support and get a proper plan in place agreed by all sides.


The silence from teachers has been disgraceful. There is absolutely no justification in keeping them on full pay. Young fit teachers should speak out against this nonsense

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supplements need to be taken with Certain foods too ,i think coffee or tea soon after taking some supplements stop the body form absorbing themā€¦mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D tooā€¦

The Dutch used to give the kids two weeks off in the autumn to pick the shpuds. I think they still get the holiday.

You should see the meals patients get in hospitals around the country. Chips, white bread, full fat butter etc.

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When I was growing up in italy all the kids went olive picking in the autumn. Our parents received payment in olive oil


Got a filling done at the weekend. Dentists are up and running fully.


Agreed its shocking. Thatā€™s what you get when you contract this stuff out to sodexco or aramarc, they will do everything to keep their costs down

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Itā€™s car crash stuff. The only metric seems to be how cheap it is.

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I know a teacher fella, he had apprenticed for a bit when he was younger, handy out chap, a tapper as me auld grandad woulda said, but decided to retrain as a teacher during the last recession.

Over the course of the Covid, heā€™s practically built a house for himself singlehandedly. Obviously the planning was all done before it hit, and he had intended doing bits and pieces himself over weekends/summer holidays etc. But the schools being closed has proven a godsend for him as he potters away on the house during the day and bangs up a few pieces on seesaw for the 4th class kids in the evenings. Weā€™re basically paying him to build his own house.

Shur best of luck to him I suppose :man_shrugging:

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95% of Male teachers under the age of 30 made very good coin during the first lockdown with a second job on the go. The other 5% being your harmless teacher type, you know the type of fellas.

This time there have been higher levels of accountability with live lessons 9-3.30 in secondary schools. Primary schools probably not as much so but i would some Live lessons each day for sure.


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