Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I got tested today through work.

Not a pleasant experience.

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The good thing about going so high is that 500 cases a day will seem like nothing.


Thats exactly it. There was a time last summer when 20 cases a day was worthy of a few decades of the rosary. We will never reach those figures of early January again.

Just looking at the daily swab data, and this piece of analysis from 2 weeks ago is looking extremely robust.


When are current restrictions to be revisted? Weā€™ll be locked down till end of February I presume regardless of case numbers.

The beauty of the NPHET/Govt restrictions is that unlike in Spain where there are clear metrics around hospitalisations/ICU, here the restrictions are altered depending on Twitter, Claire Byrne show polls and whether Leo or Tony has the whip hand.


I think there is some sort of review pencilled in for the 25th of this month, but there will be no relaxation until the end of February. Itā€™ll take until the end of month for us to get below 1,000 cases per day and then another 4 weeks to get down around the 100/200 mark.

So in conclusion you are saying lockdowns work?

Itā€™s mainly related to skin pigmentation, higher melanin levels reduce production of vitamin D. In the US for example, 40% of the population are deficient in vitamin D, whereas 80% of African Americans are. A fair skinned person can get their recommended daily Vit D from 30 min of sun exposure, whereas those with darker skin need 2 hours.


What jobs were they doing to earn this very good coin?

Third lockdown around has really rattled a few lads and sorted the men from the boys. Thereā€™s a few fellas have gone hysterical altogether, trying to sound reasonable but itā€™s all pissing and moaning and whinging. Was waa waa not enough people are dying waa waa waa thereā€™s no evidence for masks waa waa waa vitamin D. They canā€™t hack it at all godhelpus.


In other words your partner is still on full pay

2001 cases, 93 deaths. Close to 100 @TheUlteriorMotive

2001 case

93 deaths (89 in January, 3 in December, 1 under investigation)

Oh Lordy


@glenshane . What have you got to say for yourself?


Tell this to parents infected by their school going children.

You seem to be unravelling, mate.

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Nobody knows who infected parents? Thatā€™s not in any study

When stratified by age into the following categories, namely, 0-12 years, 12-17 years, 18-29 years, 30-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-69 years, 70-79 years, and over 79 years, the study demonstrates that advancing age is linked to a higher percentage of positives and higher viral loads. The younger patients were much more likely to have Ct values above 30.

About a third of children below 12 had Ct above 30 but only half of other patients. Median Ct values were 4-fold higher in the youngest group compared to the oldest, which corresponds to a 16-fold reduction in viral load.