Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Ask Parents of students in Killorglin Primary school how they picked it up.

Ask parents who have tested positive after children pick it up in Crèche facilities.

I’m not saying they’re the driver of mass infection but you can say they have not transmitted the virus.

does anyone here actually know any real people who actually got remotely sick from this nonsense?

Unfortunately, yes

are they dead?

You don’t know where anybody picked up the virus. Presumably those parents were not locked in a bubble and could have caught it anywhere.

We were told by NPHET in Autumn schools are safe and not a significant factor in Covid transmission.

No, thankfully.

One still very ill.

Why do you think the HSE are not pushing this more?

Is there an agenda or do you know more about the science behind it than them?

The whole of killorglin was riddled, the outbreak didn’t come from the school

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I don’t mean to undercut your point here but I tested positive for Covid from a swab y’day which almost definitely came from my 2 year old who tested positive a week earlier.


Okay. Case closed so

Sorry to hear that, mate.

Hope your all doing ok :+1:

im going to hazard a guess here that for a bog standard decent winter flu the hit rate (death) focuses on old people . other fellas might get a wallop of it but FFS it dosent warrant closing the place down…remember when we were in school- there was snot everywhere and fuck all happened
is this flu killing more older people than say last year’s flu? …im assuming its x100 worse given the fear factor…now i maybe totally wrong…fact, stats, etc


a bad blast of a flu then? - its fair to say?

Small bit worse.

you’ll live FFS

( stats not opinion)

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Sit back. We can’t control what happens. Getting flustered about the whole thing will do you no good at all. For better or worse, Tony is at the wheel

Not too bad - only relatively mild symptoms over the last couple of days - nothing debilitating so far. Nothing on the young lad either so fingers crossed we’ll all be ok


What symptoms are you getting?

Keep her lit kid

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Aches, Fatigue, bit of a cough, low level headache.