Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You’re worse for answering him

So do you trust NPHET on this one?

I’ll be out the gap on this shortly and will be able to spend the rest of 2021 having the craic while everyone else is under the bed worrying about when they’re getting their jab :joy:


No conspiracy. Just Ineptitude.

I think NPHET public pronouncements have been self serving - no masks, no travel bans, schools are Safe etc


Yes. Including a fatality.

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Sister’s ex boyfriend’s mother (I know, tenuous enough link). In her late 50s I think. Very healthy. Ran marathons. No conditions. Passed away from it.

Others I know who’ve died have tended to be older

Ze Germans have found another mutation. Different to the UK and South African versions. A few patients have it in Garmish-Partenkirchen where the ski jumping took place. Maybe some Finnish ski jumper brought it in.

I’m a simple man of the soil. A quiet man. A humble man.

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I know a good few lads who were flat out at construction and agriculture.

Yes, a friends mother passed away back in the first wave, she had been ill but was doing quite well
A friend of my wife’s is currently floored beyond belief with it and may need to be hospitalised, very healthy woman in her early 40s
I know of quite a few people who have and are quite sick with it now to be honest,

The best doctors in Ireland are so inept that they can’t get the message out there to take vitamin d supplements in a similar fashion to the way they got the message out there about social distancing ?

We can only assume that they are not pushing it because they don’t want anyone to feel invincible from this. Similar how it was constantly pushed that antibodies could wear off and no acceptance that some people clearly have some pre existing immunity to it.

The lack of call for general health improvements within the population even in a subtle way is baffling but here we are.

There will probably be a push post Covid.

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Is it being called for in lots of other countries?

Unfortunately it looks like the best doctors in Ireland and elsewhere were killing their patients by buying into the mass hysteria. I take no pleasure in the fact that I predicted this would come to light. The wagons have already started circling

I believe some are giving it out?

It wasn’t discouraged in Ireland, just quite low key on it.

I wouldn’t be in the camp that it’s a magic cure as the evidence isn’t clear, but I do think we needed stronger general health messages through this.

95pc me hole :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Sure construction was closed. What were the agriculture lads doing working on their fathers farms making serious coin??

sorry to hear that man - it does hit the older folk hard allright

We don’t do public health well in Ireland. Most GPs knowledge of nutrition is poor.

Vitamin D was mentioned briefly by dept of Health

there’s a bit of a @Gman element to that one now i must say but that is very sad