Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Google athlete/footballer etc does from flu. Plenty of examples…

You’ve clamped yourself here boss

GPs have a poor knowledge of nutrition relative to you?

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Yeah there’s a massive element of this. Same reason they aren’t pushing the fact that kids don’t get it or spread it that much and allowing kids training, dance classes etc. It’s backfiring on them now though as nervous breda/nuala snas and teachers literally think they’re going to die if they go back to school. It’s also the reason they are not overly positive about the vaccine allowing us to open up. Also why they don’t publicise the age of those dying. There’s a huge element of treating us like children and keeping things from us so we’ll comply more. It’s a calculated strategy and maybe they’re right to do it though. :man_shrugging:

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Ffs. When did GPs start giving out nutritional advice

jesus its interesting you said the ski jumping - is that the x4 hills?
one of the oldest fellas pals was over there today - polish fella - we were doing the home schooling anyway as we do as his mother was at work and he told me his favourite sport was ski jumping because he was watching it with his granny over christmas… is it big over there @balbec?

Adam Malysz maybe @balbec?

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It’s a recognised flaw in medical training worldwide.

That wasn’t the question mate

They get a bad rap but Influencers have done more to help with nutritional messages and the anti obesity drive than GPs or public health doctors.

The food pyramid wasn’t stopping people gobbling up any old shite in the 90s.


Sure that yoke was pure rubbish created by spud farmers to push their carb heavy agenda

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This post is completely incoherent. You’ve lost it kid.

Yeah the Vierschanzentournee took place over the Christmas. It’s been very popular here for the last twenty years mainly because of the exploits of Adam Malysz but he’s been eclipsed by Kamil Stoch more recently who’s won three Olympic golds. There’s a load of Polish lads doing well in it at the moment.

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From myself and mickees experience with our neighbours it seems ski jumping and extreme far right politics are popular among polacks at the moment

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Yes a fella I know in his early 60s who I played Rubby with over the years is currently on a ventilator having previously been taken off it when they felt he was improving

The deaths are very weird. There was 60 one or two days last week and then the 90 today and in between very low numbers

That’s called ageing bro… Best of luck to you all. You’ll all be fine I’m sure.

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What’s the missing link do we think? How can one 18 year old get really sick and the next fine? It’s so sporadic who actually gets sick and dies.

Imagine if it was a Swedish skier

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