Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It mostly depends on whether the disease gets into your lower lungs or not. The great majority of younger healthy people will fight it off before it gets to the lower lungs. Once it gets into the lower lungs your immune system goes into overdrive and you will get really sick, and it can lead to organ damage. At least half the people dying from Covid are dying from this cytokine storm. You see the same thing with flu leading to pneumonia, but itā€™s worse with Covid as if the virus gets hold of you your immune system throws the kitchen sink at it.


Thank you.

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Is this true for all strains?

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long covid - FFS

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Its a cod locking down the country forever,

Your Iā€™m alright jack stance lately is either a bad wum or worse you believe in the bullshit.

Choose your side kid.

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Psychosomatic symptoms such as fatigue being ā€œdisplayedā€ by people who didnā€™t get a bad dose when they got it. And we know the long term effects of even though it is a new disease. Itā€™s remarkable when you think about it.

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yes , its fucking remarkable enough that reasonably sane people believe its true based on jokerypokery anecdotes

A Tyrone woman would be perfect for him


@Horsebox is penning a belter hereā€¦

Incredible really. Particularly that the virus is so clever it is able to pick the personality types that would be susceptible to long covid and only gives symptoms to them.

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Yes, I know of a case where long covid appears to have cured MEā€¦an illness so silly that even the lad who first identified it couldnā€™t resist a bit of sarcasm

Bold move by @Horsebox to try and make himself relevant by positioning himself as a covid denier. I hope it works out for him.


Iā€™ll come into the internet and dig the head off youā€¦

Iā€™m gone beyond caring tbh. Iā€™m trying to get to grips with a new job in lockdownā€¦ moving house and all our contents on my own. Iā€™ve a child thatā€™s testing the laws of gravity every day and Iā€™ve @Fran destroying me in the lockdown running. The country is fuckedā€¦ Especially small businesses. Unfortunately Ireland of old and itā€™s community values are gone. Itā€™s ā€™ Iā€™m alright jack and fuck everyone else ā€™ now, thatā€™s what Ireland is and anyone who disagrees is delusional.
Itā€™s every man for himself now palā€¦ Iā€™m on my side.




Good to hear mate, best of luck with moving house - nothing more stressful really.

Its one thing dropping your stuff into the new place, sorting it out after is worse.

Fannies will always need to be waxed bud. Donā€™t worry.


Heā€™s raging he canā€™t go out and get blind drunkā€¦ Another Irish piss head throwing the pram because he wants pints. I never thought heā€™d go full Gemma O Doherty tho.

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I know palā€¦ Women are recession proof. Theyā€™ll be queuing around the block when this is all over, the hairy bitches.


The TERRIFYING death toll today has come just in time for RTƉ. The waning case numbers must have caused a lot of unease in Montrose over the last few days.