Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It’s too late for them, and possibly the next too.

Days down the bog drinking milky tae is all that can save us now

My fathers generation had to go to London.

His fathers had WW2 and all that.

His father then was there during war of independence and all that.

His father was in the 1880s which were hardly great either.

You get the idea.

You literally couldn’t make it up. A genocidal maniac in charge of the WHO.

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They’d be fucking ashamed of you

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And you can’t even go for a pint.


Even the fucking tans let us have a pint

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It’s an awful state of affairs.

Still won’t knock a stir out of the under the bed lads unfortunately.

All reason has gone out the window.


For wanting to live a life outside of looking at rocks and going for walks and having takeaway coffees.

The 1980s in London or Boston sound a bit better to be honest.

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For being such a bitch

What’s your hopes for the year ahead or you content with your lot at the moment.

A meaningful St Swithens Day and a bounfiful harvest and the turf saved early.

Your more of a realist than most of us. I was hoping for a meaningful 2020 stephens day but what’s another year.


Seeing a new day, listening to the birds, breathing… All great hopes for the year ahead.


And a coffee.

I’d settle for West Baltimore in the 90s tbh

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Fuck that. Pints!

Some of these lads entire lives have been validated by the concept of zoom coffee.
Its not something they are gonna let go of very easily

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You’ll find no answers at the end of a pint glass, just a temporary numbing of the pain that inflicts you. It’s very clear that a lot of lads on here are not happy within themselves… They’ve been blessed with this wonderful time to reflect and instead they’re just spending it yearning for childish things.