Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The person I was replying to is pretending to care about the person you speak of when he has never shown any sort of compassion for those less well off before which is why I am a tad suspicious.

That doesn’t make my response any less relevant.

It does make it irrelevant because I take no glee from people losing their jobs.

Is this true in Ireland now too?

Not yet

Not looking too bad for them actually.

PS you should check out who your pension are dumping your money into. You might not care about the workers in those sectors now but down the line it could be the difference in an extra year or two in your office cubicle.


Well your response about airline stocks and your picture about vacations seemed gleeful to me.

I’m only having a go at people who think they have it tough.

You say people who work in aviation, events, hospitality etc just think they have it tough?

Your comprehension skills are really lacking Tim.

You were trying to have a go at Tim by being a smart arse about the aviation sector. I think that was ill-judged, that’s all.

What’s vital about Heathrow?

I don’t see what point you are trying to make.

You went on about stocks the other day, ignorant of how Governments flooding the system has helped stocks stay up. I disagree with this btw.

You narrowed that down to aviation stocks, again ignorant of the general recovery in them. In the context of Ireland, Ryanair has been back to where it was for a while. You know the likes or Ryanair operate across Europe right, Ireland deciding to put the strictest restrictions in Europe last summer harmed more Irish small businesses and workers than the Ryanair share price.

I care about are the small business owners who have bank loans on equipment and premises tied directly to tourism.

I do care about the cafes in town who have been destroyed due to a lack of football. I count two on Nassau Street that have closed in the last few months already.

I care for the workers being out on €350 a week and told they won’t be able to work again for God knows how long. Unable to save for anything, unable to plan any life decisions and just being told to exist.

We’ve all seen the posts of you delighting in working from home, away from the big boss pushing you around. The vacation picture also smacked of someone in such a small circle in life, unaware of how important travel is to people beyond just “vacation”. The definition of the LIDTF merchant, happier in your lot than others, I don’t think anyone really wants to “set up a life you don’t need to escape from” if it’s your one.


I am very suspicious of this onset of empathy for those less well off Tim.

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Sorry mate, I wouldn’t expect you to understand.


He has shit himself again.

Give them time

The LIDTF crew think it’s perfectly acceptable to lock people into their homes for years on end to protect from the virus


They are people who never really socialised anyway to begin with, they had no lives outside of lockdown and have the same one now. But they don’t need to feel guilty about that anymore. Useless cunts before the pandemic but they have reverted to the mean now which has boosted their confidence and self validation. Of course they don’t want lockdown to end.