Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

There’s also people who travelled the world and had great life experiences and rode all round them who are now middle aged and married with kids and happy to sit on their holes and pontificate to younger people to be happy to put their life on hold for a couple of years. These social media whores are driving the narrative and therefore government policy and they should be held to account in a couple of years when we start getting back to normal.


What do you suggest?

Put them up agin a wall and shoot them with balls of their own shit.

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This is all over boys. @Tassotti

Glastonbury have jumped too soon.

they are out of their mind if they think it is going ahead


It will be the best London marathon yet…

That’s the plucky Brits for you, keep calm and carry on.

They’ll all be running around their gardens like the auld lad that raised all the money last year.

I feel that some of the contributions on this thread are becoming overly partisan and overly political.

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There’s an almost identical thread out there somewhere about than ian Ferguson fraud.

You will be back drinking pints in July.

A certain event in Dublin which would have thousands at it has been rearranged to September. This date follows discussion with the Government.

They believe it will be well over by then so September is seen as a safe month to stage the event.

If only we’d thought of declaring lockdowns homophobic…

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Can anyone guess why?


I told u ages ago to head off to NZ. You didn’t listen.


Fuck it if it meant getting a pint I’d happily tag along myself in leotards with some fella dragging me around by a leash.


After the vaccine looked like a dud in Israel?

cc @Tierneevin1979

Whether the vaccine is a dud or not will be almost impossible to prove…which is why they’re so desperate for everyone to take it.

Worst of the lot - the new fathers/newly matured married types who always think they’re the first ever to have kids and then pontificate to others who still enjoy other aspects of life. @Thomas_Brady the poster child for this