Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

A year into this and lads still havenā€™t a notion how a vaccine works.

They can certainly make it look more effective with less cases.


Thereā€™ll be bodies piled up around the 20 mile mark

Iā€™ve hardly posted in the fatherā€™s thread. The only reference Iā€™ve made about my child over the last few months is how the lockdown has been a blessing as it has given me more time with her.

Iā€™m sorry I bring up something negative in youā€¦ Perhaps you see in me something thatā€™s missing from your life and it makes you angry?

Thereā€™s no need to make up lies tho.

Have a great evening :blush:


2608 & 51

The new WHO testing guidelines will halve that easilyā€¦once theyā€™re introduced gradually, so as not to make it look too obvious.

You constantly talk down to the younger lads who miss their social lives and bang on about they should be enjoying this time - this suits you because you would be restricted anyway with your change to mid-life bliss. This high handed dismissing it as purely a want for a pint, just enjoy it like I am, is high handed shitetalk, based on it suiting your relatively new personal circumstances.

Iā€™m married with a nipper on the way, hope I donā€™t turn into an insufferable chap like you.


I donā€™t talk down to anyoneā€¦ in case you or otherā€™s have missed it, thereā€™s a pandemic happening, not of my making, that askes them to stay in doors. Thatā€™s not my fault it hit when it did. They, and you, need to man up for a short whileā€¦for your wife and childā€™s sake I really hope you can.

If you had no kids, no mrs and you were working from home itā€™s very tough. Itā€™s a long day particularly at the moment.

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Thatā€™s great buddy, your sunnier disposition has been quite noticeable lately.


Ach you do a wee bit in fairness now, at least thatā€™s how you come across. And shure a man of letters like yourself would have a great grasp of language,

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I know that palā€¦thatā€™s why Iā€™m urging lads to try do something positive ā€¦ A few lads donā€™t like positivity tho and they want to keep posting the same angry tripe day in day out. Youā€™d think if they felt so passionate that theyā€™d go do something about it, but it appears not only are many of them angry, they are cowards too ā€¦

This shite is extremely tough for everyone. I donā€™t see how embracing negativity will make it any easierā€¦ the egdy lads wonā€™t like that tho.

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Youā€™re in a good place mate


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Youā€™re a miserable cunt for being happy.

Thatā€™s about the size of itā€¦ I was one of the anti gang initially back in March. Raged at the internet, Leo and the system endlessly. What good does it serve?
Iā€™ll say no more as thereā€™s a lot of very sensitive souls around here but I wish you all happiness.

Is this true or is he another one of your conspiracy theory quacks you old scamp?

Holohan: Current tests will miss 40% of Covid cases coming into country

ā€œA pre-travel test alone is not a sufficiently robust system for the prevention of disease importation and modelling shows that even the best-performing tests will miss up to 40% of cases,ā€ Dr Holohan warned.

Can anyone explain where on earth they have ā€œmodelledā€ this figure out if?

The ones giving out yards here are pretending theyā€™re speaking out for those that have suffered through this but in reality they couldnā€™t give a flying fuck for anyone but themselves.


Thatā€™s the sad truthā€¦ Holding up the economy or business owners, even mental healthā€¦ like they care. The same fellas will be back pissing down on everyone once we are back to normal.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever posted a conspiracy theory? Yes, itā€™s trueā€¦

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