Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)


2 thing i picked up on from the article how many cases are attributed to travel? And 101 clusters in hospitals. In HSE controlled environments. Can we compare the two figures and ask why are people screaming about shutting borders? When we are a bigger shitshow ourselves.

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There’s been a non-stop focus from NPHET on travel. We actually get to be the worst country in the world and what are they looking at? Flights. It’s fucking ridiculous.


That was a genuine conspiracy. I should know

Have they released the guidance publicly or just to that fella?


That thing you posted up yesterday mentioned nothing of the sort so do you have the link to the new guidance

You can’t trust the foreigners.

Dublin Airport car park i assume. But we are one of the most riddled country’s in the world so its more likely other country’s will put a ban on us. IIRC in sept oct time travel only accounted for 2% of cases. Thats last time I saw data like that, now I haven’t looked either, hence why I put the question out there. But that is some amount of clusters in hospitals. Also we have no idea how many or the average size of cluster bar its more than 3 cases.

I put up a few links, as I immediately recognised the importance of the matter. I’m feeding the bairns now. Have a Google and if you’re stuck remind me in an hour

I googled it there and could find nothing. If this turns out to be a theory you have that people in the know are conspiring together not to release this information to the general public for nefarious reasons I’ll be disappointed.

Finland has already put a ban on us.

NIH have dropped their recommendation against Ivermectin. It seems physicians can decide themselves now if they elect to administer it.

Yeah - I don’t see a single sentence in that instructing labs to reduce Ct cut-offs.

In fairness to Nphet the only way the UK variant which is now the dominant variant in the country is travel. Ditto the Brazilian and SA variants. Also the massive cluster in Belmullet is exclusively down to travel from Britain.

No, it asks them to report the Ct used, which at least in the US hasn’t been done up to now. The issue is that viral load is a good predictor of the progression and outcome of the disease, several studies have confirmed this.

That’s my holiday ruined

That’s me Finnished with dem cunts

This is the graphic that dooms us to lockdown until September when everyone is jabbed.

46% of hospital cases are under 65s. They’ll still say it’s too high for the system to cope even after the over 70s are vaccinated.

I’m sure lots of those under 65 cases were people in hospital for appendectomies and the like who acquired it in hospital and weren’t necessarily hospitalised because of Coivd but it will suit NPHET no end. It depressed me no end when I looked at it today.

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You’ve a lovely way about you as a poster. A Bill O’Herlihy everyman type, asking the questions of the more opinionated types and drawing out great content. :+1: