Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The open plan office in the big shmoke is gone for good. Rural Ireland is saved.

Just need to find a resting spot with an island somewhere with decent amenities inside the 5k limit.


One of my friends who seems to know a bit about financial markets says we can stay borrowing because itā€™s negative interest rates.

He is fairly conservative so is mainly LIDTF.

How long before they canā€™t afford to have 700,000 on PUP

As long as the rest of the developed world is similarly fucked we can. If we become the laggard of Europe itā€™ll be a bit more expensive. Iā€™d advise the youngsters to enjoy the roaring 20s cos youā€™ll be crippled by the tax man in years to come.

If the roaring 20s happen that is. Iā€™m worried NPHET and LIDTF want to keep it closed forever.

Only saving grace in this thing. Rest of the developed world in a similar position. Still wont stop public dolies like @glasagusban looking for their 2% though despite sitting on their holes and watching box sets at home on full pay

I know itā€™s very grim at the moment, but if AZ, Pfizer and J&J can all get their act together by April 1st, thereā€™s no reason we canā€™t be in a position to vaccinate 24/7 through April and May.

Iā€™ve run the numbers and remain confident weā€™ll be rocking and rolling by June.

2,000 GPā€™s will fly through 100 patients a day each and weā€™ll wrap this thing up in a few weeks for a finish.


Will nphet accept this lower level or demand the current level? Considering how slow they are to accept new evidence

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Nphet are like evil villains from a James bond movie so Iā€™d say theyll just keep us locked up


I can see Dr Tony swinging around in a chair stroking a white Persian cat telling micheal he is in charge now


The total destruction of the economy and Irish society is a small price to pay for saving a few thousand geriatrics from dying from the deadly virus that you have a 99 per cent chance of surviving


Its economic and social vandalism that Holohan is inflicting upon the country, he should be in front of a judge in the hague when this is over


My grandmother was appalled when I said he should be in jail at Christmas. She thinks heā€™s great as he was in sexton Street. She thought it was because of my OIUTF outlook. Nonits because of the women who are dying under his watch

Head the balls

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When a government is asking ENORMOUS things of its population they need to be held accountable for stuff like this.


With far less positive cases our state of the art track and trace system should easily keep things under control. Itā€™s all over bar the shouting

Imagine this was in pubs. George Lee would be shrieking.

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Thereā€™s no way round it, the pubs will have to close

Councils wonā€™t allow scatter gun housing, the arrogance of muldoons to expect it

All the screaming to OPEN IT UP ā€¦ Thatā€™s what the government did in December and all the animals went hell for leather in pubs and houses ā€¦ To the extent that we now have 40/50/60 deaths a dayā€¦ Can you imagine if it was let rumble on where weā€™d be? Iā€™d be all on for opening it up but you just canā€™t trust the average Irish person to act like an adult. That poor woman on the Late Late last night left without a husband because lads wanted to get pissed because they canā€™t find meaning any other way for a few more months.