Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I know you’re on some sort of evangelical, zen-based wind-up but it’s about a lot more than drink. People need something to look forward to. They need socialisation. Isolation is one of the most damaging things to mental health.

This can only go on for so long, regardless of cases. I fear the fallout will already be worse than the virus but, even if it isn’t already, every day in lockdown brings us closer to that inevitablity


Its all the tourists coming into the country mate. I saw a texan walking through buttervant on a pub crawl

What do you think Paddy is going to do in June after we come out of a long Winter and level 5 hibernation? Do you anticipate he might go for hell for leather again or will there be some introspection for next 6 months and self appraisal of how he contributed to the mess we are in now.

Paddy doesn’t do introspection. He just wants liquor.


He is of course a wind up. Once the novelty of his new house wears thin he will be baying for things to open up again and of course the small matter of paying for it.

I’m alright jack

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There’s no problem getting liquor. I could be drinking in a pub tonight if I wasn’t doing dry January

Hospitals aren’t the issue. Gav has cleared it up

Trump had the right idea. We should build a wall and make @glenshane pay for it.


You lads just need to let go… Let it all go. The internet certainly won’t solve your issues.

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can someone remind me again…
if someone under 80 gets this what is probability they will die?

is it even 0.5%?

and remind me again there…why do we have here restrictions?

Cos Tony said so.

Sure he’s off meat, alcohol and socialising. He has moved to a higher plane of existence than the rest of us.

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I dont know how ye do it lads.

After a while, they’ll realise, theres nothing to do

You should try being less worked up about this pal, it can’t be doing you any good. I get agitating for more things to be open last summer, autumn. I thought far more things should have been open all through this myself. But we’re in a different position now, the place is riddled, we’re about the worst in Europe. And pretty much all of Europe is in lockdown as well. You’re also not going to like this either but you may as well realise that the UK variant is a game changer that fucks us even further in terms of opening. The good news is that the end is actually in sight. The bad news is that no government wants to fuck things up by opening too fast and letting things go to shit when waiting another month or two could have kept a lid on it. The variants have raised the stakes too, if the vaccines don’t work against them it’s back to square one. That means trying to make sure they don’t take off (more restrictions) until we get a good shot of us vaccinated and or have an idea the vaccine works against these things.

It’s nearly over, but there is also a good way to go in it yet. You’d do better to accept that now. If you’re struggling with it and a lot of people are you could see about talking to someone through work or some other way.


We don’t get a choice in this. The virus is in control.

What would you do now mate, what would you have done after Christmas?
Are you for a country without any restrictions, which ones are acceptable?

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